Forgotten promises

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Kakashi sat on the couch, looking at his phone. His boyfriend, Obito, hadn't had any
time for him. He'd always be training or hanging out with Rin. At first Kakashi just
thought Obito was being.. well Obito.

But after two weeks, Kakashi started to worry. Obito was out with Minato
sensei currently as Kakashi waited at home.

"What's the point in waiting!? All he does when he gets home is say hello
and leaves for training! I honestly wonder if he even loves me.." Kakashi opened
his messages and eyed Obitos and his texts.

He decided to type; hey Baby? When are you getting home?

After twenty minutes, Kakashi decided to give up hope of Obito texting
back. He threw the phone to the other side of the couch and curled up into
a ball.

"What if he's falling out of love with me?... no, he's Obito. He keeps
his promises.." Kakashi searched through his memories and remembered the
time when his lover finally told him his feelings.


"I love you with all my heart Kashi.. your the greatest and cutest person ever! And I
promise to make you happy with every beat of my heart!"

*end of flashback*

Kakashi didn't realize he was crying until his tears fell to his hands. He jumped
up, grabbed his phone, and ran to his room. Shutting the door behind him. He locked
himself in his bathroom and didn't come out for hours.

He curled himself into a ball and let himself cry out, it wasn't like there was anyone
there to help him, let alone care.

*couple hours later*

Obito opened the door, looking around confused. Usually his loving boyfriend would
welcome him at the door like a happy puppy but he wasn't there.

"Hey baby? Where are you!?" Obito set his bag on a table, he didn't hear a response.
"Maybe he's asleep" Obito walked upstairs and walked into Kakashis room.

"Not here either?" Obito started to get worried but he heard something in the

"Obito?.." Kakashi asked, he sounded close to the door.

"Kakashi? Why are you in the bathroom?" Obito asked him, placing a
hand against the door.

Obito heard Kakashi's wipe his face and breath in like he was crying.

"Are you okay?" Obito asked him.

"Why would you care if I was okay or not!? Just leave me alone Obito!" Kakashi

Obito was taken by surprise, this was the first time he had ever heard his boyfriend yell
at him. He was scared he did something but what could he have done wrong?

"Kakashi... are you mad at me..?" Obito asked sadly.

"Well yeah! Isn't it obvious! Just leave me alone Obito!" Kakashi banged his head
against the door making Obito jump off it.

Obito looked at the door with wide eyes, he was really scared. He never wanted Kakashi
to feel sad or unhappy.

Obito slid down the bathroom door. "Kakashi... do you hate m-me...?" Obito
asked, his voice cracking a bit from his emotions taking over.

"Yes Obito! And I know you know why!" Kakashi shouted, his tears
and voice becoming louder.

Obitos eyes became glassy with tears.

"Kakashi.. do you want to break up with me!?" Obito yelled worried. He couldn't afford
to loose the last person he loved. Kakashi was his whole world! His everything. If he lost
Kakashi he would loose more than a person. A whole section of his life.

"Obito.. I just need to know why you don't love me anymore.." Kakashi hid his
face in his knees.

"What!? I love you more than I love my own life! Your my everything baby! Why would
you ask me that?" Obito became worried.

He heard the door unlock and he sprung up from his seat. Then he stopped, did Kakashi
want him to come inside? Or would he yell at him?

Obito didn't care, he needed to see his boyfriend. He opened the door and saw
Kakashi beside it, curled in a ball.

"Baby? Why would you ask me that.. are you okay?" Obito walked to Kakashi.

Kakashi paused for a bit "you've been spending less and less time with me.. you've ignored
me and my texts.. I thought you left me" Kakashi hid his face.

Obito sat down and wrapped his arms around his partner "Kakashi there isn't a good enough
reason in the whole universe I would stop loving you. Your my soulmate, my world. The only
way I'd ever leave you is if I would die! But as long as your with me that's not gonna happen!"

Obito rested his nose into Kakashis soft hair, the scent of vanilla and blueberry's filling
his nuzzle.

"Y-you love me?" Kakashi looked up "you don't hate m-me?" Kakashi asked, his
eyes still full of tears.

Obito wiped Kakashis tears while looking into his eyes "I could never hate an angel
like you. I'm so sorry, I've been a horrible boyfriend and never had time for you." Obito
pressed kisses on Kakashis nose, forehead, cheek, lips, ears, chin, anywhere on
his face making Kakashi laugh.

"You'll always be the one I love most baby" Obito said as he paused his kissing shower.

Kakashi rested his head in Obitos chest, looking up and kissing his jaw softly.
"I love you too Obi"

Obito rubbed circles on Kakashis back with his thumb, if he knew that Kakashi felt
like this he would've pushed everything aside just for his angel.
"I'm so sorry love, it will never happen again." Obito smiled "I promise."

Obikaka ( one shots )Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon