Hes still alive

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Obito was getting tired as he fought off the remaining ninjas, his sensei was by his side
but he still felt pressured.

"Fire-style, fireball jutsu!" Obito leaped into the air, and covered the remaining ninja
in fire and ash. He fell to the ground and saw his sensei leap away

"I'm gonna find Rin!" Minato announced as he pounced away.

Obito checked the area for some more ninja, without a ninja in sight he
turned to his senseis direction and started running.

If he knew that c rank missions were this hard, he would have never complained to the
old man in the first place.

Obito stopped as he saw Rin healing her arm with her healing jutsu.

"Kakashi's holding them off, better go help him while we prepare Obito" she said determined.

Obito nodded in understanding and leaped away. He jumped through some trees
until he saw the silverette fending off at least ten ninja.

"He's just a boy" one with red hair commented "try to go easy on him" he joked.

Kakashi looked around him, he was surrounded. He had a few ideas of how to get out
this situation but they all included taking up most his chakra.

Obito waited for the time to strike but decided not to rush himself.

Kakashi jumped into the air, pulling out a massive chidori. Some of the ninjas leaped after
him while others backed off.

"He's got this easy" Obito thought.

Kakashi jumped off the back of a ninja and jolted three at a time, they fell to the floor and he
continued his speedy tactic.

Obito jumped down and ran back to his sensei, he knew Kakashi would be fine on his own. Minato
and Rin stood there ready.

"Alright, we could go help Kakashi now" Minato commented as he leaped away.

"Where is he Obito?" Rin asked as she picked up her weapons.

Obito pointed behind himself and Rin started running. Obito follwed hastily behind but was a little
late as he saw Minato fending off some enemy's.

"Obito! Rin! Kakashis up ahead! Go without me!" Minato said as he stalled the enemy.

Obito and Rin followed their Senseis words, they knew these people were powerful so they
needed to stay a distance away from them.

Rin lagged behind, taking out a few ninja, while Obito ran ahead. Obito jumped back as he
saw three ninja pop in front of him.

"This one's gonna be a piece of cake as well" the ninja muttered.

"What?" Obito questioned. Than he froze, thinking of how he left Kakashi alone to
deal with all those people.

Obito quickly got out his weapons, he needed to see if Kakashi was okay and safe. He took
out the ninja easily as he sprinted to Kakashi. "He's strong right! He can handle this..."

Obito slid to the ground and looked all around "Bakashi!?" Obito questioned, no response.

"Obito?" A voice muttered behind him.

Obito turned around quickly and felt his heart stop, his vision became blurry as he looked down
at his teammate. Kakashi had various cuts and looked really tired.

"Bakashi!? Are you okay?" Obito crouched down and touched his shoulder.

"I-" Kakashi stuttered "I think I used too much... chakra" Kakashi winced as he paused.

"It's okay, I'll get sensei" Obito was about to leave but he saw Kakashi go limp.
"Hey! Wait! Bakashi?" Obito tried to call for him to wake up but he couldn't wake the
silvertte. "Did he pass out from blood loss?"

Obito pressed his hand on Kakashi's heart, not feeling a beat. Obito started to become worried,
He looked at his teammate with wide eyes. "Bakashi.. please wake up! This isn't funny!" Obito
grabbed Kakashi's head.

"Please! This isn't a joke anymore Bakashi! Wake up, wake up, wake up!" Obito stared with
a defeated expression.

"No, no, no, NO he doesn't deserve this! Calm down, he's still alive..." Obito pressed his hand
back on Kakashi's heart. He felt nothing. Obito tried to breath, he couldn't. His body forced him
to stare down at what he caused.

If he just stayed and helped, would he have saved him?

Obito grabbed the two straps on Kakashi's uniform. "Please wake up! Wake up now! I
order you! Please..." Obito grabbed Kakashi's arm and hung his head low "it can't happen, it
Can't be caused from my actions! I'm not letting this happen!" Obito closed his eyes as
tears ran down.

"NO! I won't accept this! Your still alive!" Obito cupped Kakashi's face in his hands "wake
up now Bakashi!"

"Obito    ..." Obito turned around to see Rin with tears in her eyes.

"He's still here! Use your jutsu quick!" Obito looked at Rin desperately.


"Come on! Do it!" Obito screamed.

"Obito, he's gone" Rin crouched down and felt Kakashi's heart "h-he's... he's not coming back.."

Obito looked down at his teammate, if only, if only he stayed. Maybe he would still be here.

Obito breathed in hesitantly, tears falling on Kakashi's body. Obitos screamed in desperation
and pulled Kakashi close. He dug his face into Kakashi and screamed, hoping by some miracle
he'd come back.

Obito gripped onto Kakashi, he couldn't loose the last person he thought cared for him. He couldn't
loose Kakashi, Kakashi was his everything. But now it was being ripped away from him in front his very

Obitos jolted up in his bed, tears streaming and sweat dripped from his head. He breathed in and out
several times before he finally realized where he was. In his room.

"Thank god!" Obito sighed. Obito than thought "I need to check on Kakashi!" Obito
jumped out of bed, grabbed his clothes, and headed out the door.

It was midnight so the streets were empty, he made his way to Kakashi's house and banged
on the door repeatedly until he saw a very tired silverette open it.

"What the hell are you doing here at 2:13 am Obito" Kakashi said in a growly and raspy

Obito sighed relieved "just wanted to make sure your okay" he hugged Kakashi tightly, digging
his face into Kakashis shoulder.

"Uh.. okay?... weird.."

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