I hate you.

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Decided to make a more fluffy story
I hope you enjoy🥰!

Obito sighed, he wanted to do something with Kakashi but didn't know what. He looked
out the window and saw the clouds caving in, the small drops of water leading to

Then he got an idea. Obito stood up from the couch and went to Kakashi's room.
He knocked on the door, hearing Kakashi tell him he could come inside.

"What do you need Obito?" Kakashi asked as he scrolled on his phone.

"Wellllll, I was wonderingggggg." Obito just took Kakashi's hand and led him out
the room

Kakashi sighed, "where are we going"

Obito smiled and stopped, taking Kakashi's phone and setting it on the counter
"May not want this where we're going" Obito smiled and led Kakashi outside.

"Obito it's pouring! Let's go back inside!" Kakashi yelled.

Obito turned around, smiling like an idiot. "Why?"

"Because we're going to get soaked! And maybe get sick" Kakashi complained.

Obito just rolled his eyes and picked Kakashi up.
"Great, now I'm in the air. What are you gonna do next? Throw me?" Kakashi

"Wow, really feeling the love right now" Obito said sarcastically as he held Kakashi
up high.

Even though Kakashi hated Obito, he still loved him. He would take care of him
and force him to be a pleasant person.

But making him sit out in the rain was a bit weird.
"Can we go back inside now? I'm already soaked.." Kakashi complained.

"No, I'm spending time with you!" Obito walked over to a tree and sat down, his lover
in his lap.

"I honestly think that you want me to get sick" Kakashi stated.

"If it means I spend more time with you, yes. If not, no" Obito smiled.

Kakashi just accepted the fact that he wasn't getting out of this, he repositioned himself
in Obitos lap and rested his head on Obitos soaked clothing.

"Now can we go inside." Kakashi asked.

Obito sighed "fine, your such a hermit" Obito laughed, picking up Kakashi bridal
style and walking back inside.

"Want to dry off?" Obito asked.

"No." Kakashi said sleepy.

"Just a few minutes ago you were saying you'd get sick. Now you don't care?" Obito

Kakashi slowly nodded.

Obito decided to sit down on the couch and just hold Kakashi until he decides to be
a nice person. Sometimes Kakashi would just decided to be a rat.

*later that morning*

Kakashi now officially hated Obito.

"Hey baby, need-"

"Get out" Kakashi said annoyed.


"I told you I would get sick!" Kakashi complained as he hid under
the covers.

Obito sighed "I'm sorrrrryyy" Obito walked up to Kakashi.

Kakashi lifted his eyes to look at Obito "I hate you.."

"Love you too frosty"

Obikaka ( one shots )जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें