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Hiii, so, like I said, a little less updates from me but I hope you enjoy!!!❤️💞💖💘❤️‍🩹
I've been feeling so sick lately, and it inspired me to write this! Guess good things
come out of bad things😂❤️

Obito looked up from his phone at the sound of his boyfriend coughing, it wouldn't be a weird thing to
hear normally, despite the fact he'd been doing it all day, also complaining he felt dizzy. Obito stood
up from his spot on the bed, and walked over to Kakashi, who was sitting on a chair just across from

He placed a hand on his shoulder, giving him a worried look "are you okay snowflake? You're sounding
a bit sick.." he asked, Kakashi looking up at him from his phone.

"Oh! Yeah I'm fine, jus-" he sneezed, "allergies.." Kakashi said, Obito not buying it at all. One reason he
didn't believe him, was because it was flu season, and Kakashi hadn't gotten his flu shots yet, for a
good reason too.

Obito raised his eyebrow "allergies? Really? Kakashi.." he shook his head "you don't have allergies, and even
if you did, what would be setting it off? I think your catching something" Obito folded his arms, Kakashi
looking up, worried.

"No! I promise, I'm fine!" Kakashi tried, but Obito persisted.

"Listen, we're going to the doctors first thing tomorrow Kakashi, and getting some flu shots. I don't want
you getting sick" Obito noticed Kakashi's eyes widened as he mentioned getting a shot, he knew why, but
it was necessary.

Kakashi looked down, Obito sighing as he crouched, resting his hand on his right thigh, "I'm sorry snowflake..
I just want you to be healthy.. it'll only be a shot or two" he tried, but Kakashi shook his head.

"I don't want to!" He said, leaning forward "I'm not even sick!" He closed his eyes, Obito shaking his

"That doesn't mean you might not get sick, please, shots don't even hurt, their just a little pinch and
your done" Obito tried, but Kakashi ran out the room, making him follow. He knew he was afraid of needles,
maybe more than anyone Obitos ever met, but he would rather take a two second prick in the arm than
go through hell for a week being sick. Turns out, Kakashi had different ideas since he ran to the bathroom
and locked himself in.

Obito rested a hand on the door, hearing Kakashi sniffling from the other side. "You know I wouldn't be
forcing you to do this unless it was necessary.. please-"

"I'm not coming out till you promise you won't make me go!" Kakashi yelled, making Obito sigh. He
needed the shots, but maybe Obito could just lie? It would hurt Kakashi if Obito lied, but he has to.

"...fine.. but you have to promise you will get better! At least drink some medicine" Obito asked, trying to
get through to his incompetent boyfriend.

Kakashi slowly opened the door, "but it tastes disgusting.." he said, as he looked to the floor.

Obito wrapped his arms around his body and kissed his nose, "it's either that or a shot, I'll let you
decide" he said, tilting his head as he spoke.

Kakashi let out a little laugh "fine, fine, I'll drink the cat puke liquid.." he said, looking down.


Kakashi pulled back on Obitos arm, refusing to follow him, "you promised Obito! I'm not going!" He yelled,
trying to get out of Obitos grasp. Obito had brought Kakashi to the hospital, making him think they were going
to see Rin.

"Im sorry! It was the only way to get you out of the bathroom" Obito stopped pulling against Kakashi, walking
towards him and cupping his masked face with one of his hands, "I'm just worried Kakashi, and I've already
booked the appointment so there is no getting out of this." Obito stated, making Kakashi stop pulling back
and listen.

He paused for a minute, "..Obito I can't.." he said, his breath shaking.

Obito hugged the silverette, digging his nose into his hair "I promise I'll be there the whole time.." he
said, in a soothing voice.

Obito led Kakashi into the hospital, not waiting for an answer as he made his way to the front desk, where
a woman with silky black hair was sitting, looking tired as she rubbed her eyes under her glasses.
She looked up, "yes? What do you need?" She asked, straightening her back a bit.

Obito spoke him, Kakashi behind him as he held his hand "I have an appointment for Kakashi, he's
getting his shots" Obito explained, feeling Kakashi's hand grip tighter to his.

The woman looked at her computer, seemingly searching till nodding her head "yes, please go to
the room labeled 1408 and wait there" she said, looking up as Obito led Kakashi through the hallways.

Soon, finding the room number, Obito opened the door and sat Kakashi down on the bed, sitting next to
him as they waited. The whole time they were waiting, Kakashi was shaking and muttering things to Obito
that he didn't understand, soon, a woman coming into the room with a surgical mask and a doctors uniform.

"Kakashi right?" She asked, Kakashi not nodding so Obito did.

The woman made Kakashi stand up, and did a couple of tests. They checked his weight, height, blood pressure, and
such that Obito didn't understand why they needed, but acted like he knew what was going on anyway.

Soon, the woman left the room, letting Kakashi sit back down on the bed, seeming more anxious than he
was before the tests. Obito noticed and took his hand, intertwining their fingers together, "you're doing great
so far snowflake, just a little bit longer and you can go home" he smiled, trying to lighten Kakashi's mood.

Kakashi looked up at Obito, seeming worried as he rested his head on Obitos shoulder, waiting for the
lady to come back.

The door opened, revealing the woman again, this time holding a tray with a thin layer of paper on it, on
that, a couple of needles and such.

Kakashi kept his vision away from the needles, Obito noticing that as the woman put on some blue gloves.
"How many is he going to take?" Obito asked, wanting to distract himself from Kakashis shaking.

The woman looked at a paper, "two, both on the right arm" she said, taking a needle off of the tray.

Obito looked at Kakashi, noticing he wasn't nearly ready to take the shot. "Hold on," he asked. He moved
Kakashi back a little, making him resting on the wall, while also sitting next to him, holding his left
arm for support. "If it hurts you squeeze my hand okay?" He said, Kakashi nodding.

The woman scooted closed in her chair, getting a cotton ball and rubbing a liquid like thing on Kakashis
arm, before grabbing one of the needles. Kakashi glanced at the needle, his breathing hitching and becoming
faster as he looked at it.

"Kakashi, look at me" Obito said sternly, Kakashi slowly taking his gaze off of the needle, and onto Obito.
Kakashi's eyes became watery as the needle went into his skin, closing his eyes and squeezing Obitos
hand tight.

Once pulled out, the nurse put the needle down, grabbing another one, "one more" she said, in a sweet
tone. Kakashi sat completely still as she gave him another shot, Obito feeling his pulse from his hand

Obito watched the lady take out the needle, "all done" he said with a smile, bringing Kakashi close and
hugging him, "you were really brave snowflake" he smiled, kissing Kakashi's forehead, making him

Sorry if there are spelling errors😭 I made Kakashi have trypanophobia to make it a
bit more interesting☺️

It's good to be back writing Obikaka🔥

I hope you enjoyed!!!💞💖💘❤️❤️‍🩹 LOVE YOUU, LIKE SERIOUSLY❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💕💞💓💗💖💝

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