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Obito, Rin, Kakashi, and Minato snuck into a bar. They were on a c ranked mission
to get info from a person who was in there.

"Alright, no talking to anyone except the target" Minato looked at his students
"No drinking, no bar fights, and especially no Justus." He looked at Obito.

"What!?" Obito shouted.

"Nothing.. look" Minato held up a photograph "this is the guy. Only talk to me
and him." Minato put away the photo and all four of them went walking through
the bar.

Kakashi went over to the bartender to ask about the man. Minato went with him. Rin
went to the second floor to search. And Obito walked around some of the tables
when a man stopped him.

"Aren't you a little young to be here pipsqueak?" He asked. Obito immediately
recognized him from Minatos photo.

"Uh.. I'm actually a short 22 year old. I just look really young" Obito lied.

"Alright, how about a couple drinks?" The man said, trying to get Obito
to tell the truth.

"Uh.. I don't drink" Obito declined.

"Come on. Just one beer, you a man or what?" He insisted.
(Please do not underage drink😓 this is for the purpose of my chapter)

Obito sat down with the man. He poured him a beer bottle and since Obito was
supposed to blend in, he internally gaged before he chugged the whole thing.

"Wow. Not much of a pipsqueak after all" the man whistled.

Obito vision became blurry and after two minutes, he blacked out.

*with Kakashi and Minato*

"Yeah I've seen him, he's over there" the bartender pointed to the man from
the photo.

"Arigatou, come on Kakashi" Minato took Kakashi's arm and led him
through the crowd of people.

They found the man, poking at Obito who was asleep on the ground.

"Obito are you serious! Sleeping on the job!" Kakashi bent down and shook him.
"Wake up!" He ordered.

"He chugged a whole bottle, not sure why the kid had to prove he was 20" the man
chuckled "knew he was lying anyway"

Minato looked at him "what! You gave him a bottle!?" Minato shouted.


Minato went red "why?" He shook.

"Cause the kid had some spunk. He needed a little buzz" he laughed.

Kakashi shook Obito and he slightly opened his eyes.
"Oh good, your not dead."

"Have I ever asked why you have two heads?" Obito asked tiredly.

"Obito you idiot! Why would you-" Kakashi was cut off by Obito covering
his masked mouth with his hand

"Shhhshhhh, it's alright iM fInE" Obito shook his head.

"You are very not fine! We need to get you out of here.." Kakashi lifted
Obito up but he just put all his weight on Kakashi.

"Your wEallY strong Bakashi" Obito smiled "this why I loVE yOU" Obito smiled.

Kakashi sighed "he's only drunk.." he convinced himself.

Kakashi went to find Rin as Minato beat the sh1t out the guy that got
Obito drunk.

Kakashi found Rin, leaning against a staircase "What happened to him?" Rin asked.

"Beer." Kakashi sighed.

"What!? Obito you drank!?" Rin shouted.

"And I'll do it aGaIn" Obito smiled.

Kakashi put him down but he just latched onto Kakashi.
"Have I ever told you how pretty you. LoOk" Obito touched Kakashi's

To say the least, Kakashi was not amused.

Rin sighed "maybe we should get back to the village.. Minato sensei
will handle the rest."

Kakashi looked down at Obito "yeah, I don't think he can-"

Obito kissed Kakashi tiredly, causing Kakashi to push away slightly.
"Oh you've got to be f#cking kidding me.." Kakashi said, his face red as a tomato.

"LoVe yOu~" Obito smiled.

"Were you two a thing? Like before he was drunk" Rin asked "cause he seems
quite attached to you.." Rin theorized

"We weren't... maybe he's just delirious" Kakashi closed his eyes.

"Well, we can't get anywhere with him so why don't we wait till the alcohol
dims down" Rin smiled.

"Fine by me. I'm gonna go see if sensei has killed that dude yet. Take him" Kakashi
pushed Obito to Rin and she grabbed his arms.

Right now, Obito was being dragged around off the floor, so it was
easy to pass him around.

"KaKaSwi" Obito said as he watched him walk away "mah!" He pushed
Rin away and tried to stand.

"You can't walk while your drunk Obito!" Rin protested.

"F#ck off.." Obito stumbled his way to Kakashi's direction. Before falling.

Rin picked him up and sat him down on a chair "just stay here.. Kakashi will
be back in a few minutes..."

Kakashi pried his sensei off of the man. "Sensei we need his info! If you kill
him we won't have the info!" Kakashi tried as he pulled Minato off the man.

"I'm gonna kill him. I'm gonna kill him!" Minato breathed heavily.

"In out, in out" Kakashi said as his sensei calmed his breathing.

"Let's go back." Minato said "I already got the stupid info.." he mumbled.

Kakashi sighed and walked with his sensei "I feel like a parent today"

They walked back to a worried Rin and a drunk Uchiha. Obito immediately
pounced his way to Kakashi and hugged his torso.

"Hiiiihh" Obito said stupidly.

"...hi" Kakashi looked away.

"When is this gonna go away? The alcohol I mean" Rin asked her sensei.

"Well.. if it was a typical beer bottle.. maybe a couple hours?"
( I don't know how alcohol works so bare with me😒)

Kakashi sighed "who's gonna keep him from hurting himself?" Kakashi asked.

"You" Rin stated.

"What!? Why am I on Obito duty!?" Kakashi protested.

"Because he obviously likes you better! He's latched to your leg like a koala
as we speak!" Rin pointed to Obito.

"...fine.." Kakashi bent down to Obitos level.

"Hi cutie~" Obito smiled.

"No. I'm not doing this" Kakashi stood and looked at Rin.

"Play along till he's sober. We will leave when he's okay" Minato sat down.
"Just act how he acts. It will be better for us all"

"No. Look at him sensei. No"

Obito kissed Kakashi's hand. "Heheh"

"Please. It's our only way to keep him from wreaking havoc across
the bar" Rin pleaded.

"Ughhhh. Fine.." Kakashi crouched down and kissed Obitos cheek
"Just this f#cking once.."

"Mhm. Just this once" Rin giggled.

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