From bullied to feared part 1

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Okay, I know. I will make a part two to static love okay! It's in process!
I just need to finish this one first okay!😭
This is a modern au!!🥳

Kakashi looked up at the roof, ever since going to school, he's been
refusing to go. Every kid would take his crutches and push him down the
stairs because they knew he couldn't do anything about it.

And they never got in trouble either, because the teachers knew that
the talks with parents would take so long, and the kids would just be
given a warning anyways, they didn't do sh1t.

Some teachers even walked by on kids pushing Kakashi and calling him awful
names like dead leg and cripple sticks because of his crutches, and did nothing.

His father always told him his leg would heal but ever since the car
crash, his left leg has been broken.

His dad came into his room, seeing Kakashi looking down, probably
worried. He sat down next to him.
"Kakashi, please understand. You need to go to school. Even
if the kids pick on you, one day you will find someone that will
help you. Or you can just wack them with your crutches and call it
a day" Sakumo smiled.

Kakashi quietly laughed next to his father. He knew his dad was joking
but he still had a way to make Kakashi happy.

Kakashi sat up, he grabbed his crutches and stood, his dad
walking out the room "you will be okay, want me to drive
you to school?" Sakumo asked.

Kakashi looked up "yeah, thanks" He went to his bathroom and did
his morning routine, following his dad to the car once he was ready.

He sat in the back, listening to his father.
"Now, if someone takes your crutches. What do you do?" He asked.

Kakashi thought "um... punch them?" He asked.

"Only if they attack first, as long as they attacked first, I'm on
your side when you're sent to detention" Sakumo parked into the
parking lot, looking back at his son who was stepping out.

"Bye dad, thank you" he walked away, his fathers smile slowly disappearing.
he loved his son, and that's what made seeing him get bullied and harassed
daily made it so hard. Sakumo knew Kakashi's been bullied his
whole life.

First kids made fun of his silver hair, then his face, making him start to
wear a mask he never took off, and now, making fun of his crutches. Sakumo
cringed, why did children find joy in hurting others?

Meanwhile, Kakashi walked into school, many kids gave him glares but
he ignored them, at least, he tried to.

A girl walked over to him and snatched one of his crutches, he held
onto the locker for the sudden support.

"What's this? A beating stick?" She asked.

Kakashi looked up "it's actually-"

She wacked him with the stick, right on his good leg. He fell to the ground,
placing his hands behind him to avoid a hard fall.
"Hm.. works well as a beating stick" she smiled, everyone pulling
out their phones and recording.

Kakashi then remembered what his dad told him. Only if they attack

Kakashi slowly stood up, and pounced on the girl, everyone going wild,
screaming and chanting the word fight.

Kakashi pinned the girl, kicking her side with his good leg, causing her
to scream someone's name. Just then, someone grabbed Kakashi's shoulders
and pulled him away, he looked behind him and saw a girl.

She pulled him away from the girl and he jumped out her grasp, grabbing
the other girls wrist and lifted her up, leaning against the locker, he pushed
her, making her smack her face against the locker.

Obikaka ( one shots )जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें