Whale of a Time

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Later,the three land on a safer part of the beach and after chilling for a bit with some banana's,continue their trek.

They later come upon a while with an anchor in its blowhole.

Verde:Oh,butter buns! Don't worry whale,Verde's comin'!

She hops on its back and removes the anchor.

Verde:There. Much better.

The whale then gives them a ride on its back.

Verde begins to feel rather calm and decides to sit down,enjoying the breeze and quietness while the Kong's collect and run around.

Once they arrived at the barrel,Verde was then shot upwards into in by the whale.

Verde:Thank you,whale mate! Even if that did sting a bit. Now,where to next?

Later,the trio arrive a stormy section of the coast.

Verde:Okay...I'm not sure about this.

She says while watching a small crab get blown into the water by a large tidal wave.

Verde:Why do you guys go to places like this? 

DK shrugs with a smile.

Verde:That's doesn't explain squat,but I'm assuming it's fun to guys,so I'll take what I can.

They then being to makes their way through the storm and past all the tidal waves,and soon make it to the giant barrel.

Verde then discovers a secret entrance,which leads them to another temple.

In contrast to the water the of the beach,this temple was filled with lava.

Verde:Oh,fluffy feathers.

She backs away from the lava.

Verde:Scared as I am,we gotta get through this place and find that orb.

Diddy nods and hops onto her back while she does the same with DK.

He then carries all of them through the temple,while the platform were slowly melted down by the lava.

Once at the end they see a blue orb and grab it,placing it in Verde's bag.

Verde:Smashin' job,mates. I'm glad we didn't get roasted alive. In any case,the big bad should be ahead.

They leave the temple to look for any more tikis to trounce.

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