So Long Kong's

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Verde kicks the door open as she comes in with DK and Diddy.

Verde:We're back!

Cranky screams as he looks up at them coming in.

Cranky:Verde,you knucklehead! Can't you see I'm trying to work here!


Cranky:Ugh,never mind. Anyway,I'm just about finished. Feast your eyes on this!

He pulls down a cover and reveals the machine connected to DK's TV.

He pulls down a cover and reveals the machine connected to DK's TV

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Verde:Wow. You know how to make a machine.

Cranky:Of course,I do. I know everything.

He messes with some levers and buttons,which activates the teleport-er.

Verde:And your sure this will send me back?

Cranky:Yes. I'm sure. Squawks made sure of that. He was the tester.

Verde:Wait...You sent him to my world?!

Cranky:Don't worry,he's fine.

He then pulls out a device with a screen that showed the parrot in perfect condition.

Verde:Okay. It's time for me to go.

Cranky walks up to her and shakes her hand.

Cranky:Thanks for everything,grassy hair.

Verde:Your welcome,white beard.

Diddy then climbs up on her and hugs her with the woman doing the same.

Verde:Take care,Diddy. 

He smiles and DK comes up next.

Verde:Hey,DK. I gotta get goin' now.

DK looked upset.

Verde:Hey it's gonna be alright. I'll promise to come back when you need me.

DK nods sadly though.

Verde then gets an idea.


She then hands him her frog plush.

DK holds it in his hands then hugs Verde tightly.

Verde hugs back with wet eyes.

Verde:I'll come back. Don't worry. Gonna miss you,too.

They let go of each other and walks backwards into the portal while waving to the three.

In Verde's house,she launches out of the TV and lands on her animal toys and bed.

She then sits up as the TV returns to normal.

Verde grabs her phone and looks to see she had been gone for...

Verde:Three days!? I was gone that long?

She calms down from the shock and sits on her bed with Squawks.

Verde:Guess your stuck with me now,huh?

The parrot shrugs,seeing he doesn't mind.

Verde then sees her top save file is complete with her face on it along side DK and Diddy.

Verde:Unforgetable...Should I play again?

Squawks nods and Verde was about to until she felt hungry.

Verde:Okay. But let's eat first,bananas just didn't cut it out for my hunger. Come on,mate.

The two then go downstairs,feeling more fulfilled then she ever had before.

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