The Golden Temple

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(A few days later)

Verde:And that's how it all went down.

She finished as Cranky stared at them dumbfounded.

Cranky:What do ya know? You three actually managed to collect the orbs in one piece.

Verde:That's right. Now,we just gotta find that temple you were talkin' about.

Cranky:Uh-huh. Normally,I'd have you find it yourselves,but I'm feeling nice since you defeated that Tiki Tak Tribe.

Verde:So,where is it?

Cranky hop out of his chair and grabs a big book.

He flips through some pages and finds the location.

Cranky:Get this. Its behind the volcano.

Verde:Well,that's where we're headed.

Cranky:Yep. Before ya go. I got some news.


Cranky:I've managed to finally create machine to send you home,but I need to make some final touches.


Cranky:You just get a move on. I should be done once you all get back.

They all nod and begin to head out.

After flying to the back of the island,they find the temple in no time and land near the entrance.

They walk up the stairs and stand on a spot that stuck out and it sinks.

The orbs that were in Verde's bag had came out and floated themselves into the door,causing it to open.


The trio walk inside the temple and see a giant golden banana.

Verde:Whooooa. Jackpot!

They run up to it and bring it down to the ground.

DK peels the skin off of it and reveals the golden potassium inside.

They ate a handful of the banana,which tasted even better than regular ones.

Verde:Wow! Cranky was right about this giant banana being tasty!

Suddenly,the three begin to glow and are then warped into a land full of clouds and floating fruits.

Verde:Mates. We're in the fruity paradise! Come on!

They then travel through the level,which had tons of fruit platforms and baddies,including purple koalas with ties that threw bombs.

After about a few minutes of getting through the stage,they reach a stone monkey,which opened its mouth to release a goal barrel.

Verde jumps up and breaks it one last time to grab the fabled,Banana Mirror.

Verde:We got it! 

They jump up as,they are sent back to Kong Island and land in the temple.

Verde:Let's show,Cranky. Maybe he's finished with that machine,too.

The trio then run back to Cranky's house,posthaste.


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