Factory Self-Tour

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The guys and gal entered the first part of the large factory,where they had to move past crushers and stomp on mechanical chickens.

Several times was it too close,when Verde was about to be flattened,but she made it safely to the end,thanks to some Banana Juice.

Verde:Well,that was a tense and scary experience. Let's go.

They go into the factory and come across a portion that had robotic hands bumping into each other.

From there,it turned into a bunch of hands taking them through the level with barrel cannons.

Once they fired up from the last pair of hands,they got the goal barrel and continued on.

Verde:Guess you could say,that was handy.

The Kong's chuckled at the joke as they moved forward.

They then come across a rocket barrel and hop into it.

They then flew around to avoid hitting the machinery nearby and eventually,they reached the barrel.

Once they reached the next area by swinging with chains,Verde read a large sign.

Verde:"Find!" Okay,we gotta find a button,but what does it go to?

With that in mind,they go through the stage and when they came across a large gear,they slammed it which took them down to a secret room with a button.

Verde:Ah! Here's one.

She pushes it down and it activates an over-sized plug that goes into a socket.

They return to the level and reach the end of it.

Up next,the group entered a level filled with tubes that had liquid inside them and buttons in the wall along with another button they had to find.

Once they were done there they went on with finding the last one,which was located in a part of the factory that had a rhythmic beating on the drums and cymbals.

They found the button and kept going,but once they got to the end,they had to get through a few drums that were as big a large sized house.


Shouts the woman as,they are flung into the air by the giant drums.

Before they fell,she grabbed onto DK's back and held on until they made it to the end barrel.

The drum got banged on one last time,which launches the group outside of the factory with a nice and soft landing on Squawks and Diddy's part.

They cleared the temple of the world then head for the boss.

Verde:That was close. So,where do go now?

DK scratched his head as he looked at a giant rocket that was in front of them.

Verde:Huh...Lucky for us,I guess.

They climb inside,but instead of the giant rocket being launched up,it was them on a rocket barrel.

Verde:Aww. I thought we were just gonna be in the big rocket like an astronaut.

Diddy looks to her confused.

Verde:It's a job from where I am.  I think you'd like it,even if I'm not one m'self.

They fly up into the atmosphere,which leads them to see the starry skies above.

They fly up into the atmosphere,which leads them to see the starry skies above

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Verde:Wow. Amazing.

She stared at the lights in the sky with wonder with Diddy,as they headed into the clouds.

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