Steep Climb

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The group were now using weighted platforms to climb up the cliffs and running past platforms that were crumbling beneath them.

Verde thought the weight system was pretty inventive,whoever made it.

They made it to the barrel without any problem and they stop by Cranky's place.

Cranky:Well,if ain't the three stooges.

Verde:G'day to you as well,Cranky.

Cranky:So what do you need this time?

Verde:Not much,but I've been wonderin'...Have you found a way to get me back home?

Cranky:Of course. What makes you say that?

Verde:Well,I like being with you guys,but I'm gettin' worried I won't be able to get home once we're done. I just got a job as a Zookeeper,so I have get back somehow.

Cranky:Well,while you all have been adventuring around Kong Island,I've been using DK's TV to figure out how to get you back inside of it. Don't worry,you'll be back in Austria by the time you four take care of these drum heads and their leader.

Verde:I hope so...Also,it's Australia.

Cranky:Whatever. Anyway,you better get a move on. You've already wasted enough of my time along with your's.

Verde waves and heads out with the Kong's to continue on.

They got to the next area but found a giant boulder in their way.

Verde:What's this?

She asks as she spots a miniature windmill.

DK blows on it,which lowers a platform and allows him to pull on a vine,revealing a golden button panel.

Verde stomps down on it and the boulder moves out of the way,allowing them to travel through.

Verde was pretty nervous with this level since there were tons of boulders rolling around,so she had some banana juice to make sure she wasn't hurt by one of them.

It was a good call as she sometimes got flattened by falling boulders or rolling ones she didn't see coming.

They make it to the end and head to the next area,where they found Rambi again.

With him,they were running through the stage and tearing any hazards apart.

They got to the end and Rambi went to see Cranky since he felt like seeing him again.

The group's next location was a bit difficult and scary since they had to travel through platforms that were as fragile as glass on the thinnest pike on earth.

And to make matters more deadly,they were being chased by a tiki boulder,which gave Verde memories of Indiana Jones.

Luckily,it drowned in the tar before it could get them and cleared the level.

There was a path that lead to the boss of the cliffs,but before they could even set a foot on it,the whole thing crumbled.

Verde:Why does this stuff happen to us!?

After calming down,she then finds another way through the area,which was filled with old ships that were connected to the cliffs rocks.

They use the pieces of the ships to jump on through the level and taking down any crabs in their way.

Eventually,they made it to the end and proceed towards the bottom of the bosses hideout.

Verde:We've got a long way up. Let's go,mates.

They then use cannon barrels to launch themselves up the cliffs and when reach the end,they find another temple.

This one was basically filled with lava,much like the temple in the beach area,but this once had it rising slowly.

Verde panicked like last time since she didn't wanted be melted down,so they hopped onto any platform they could get to.

Luckily,they made it to the end,got the orb and headed off to the boss.

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