Chapter 11

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I was in a deep sleep when the blankets were snatched off of me, sending me into a full panic. That is, until I saw her. "CARLA!" I jumped from my bed and wrapped my arms around her. She let out a small giggle. She looked so different. "So, you come back home and I'm the last to know?" She crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow. "Oh, I'm sorry about that. I was trying to keep that quiet. Now everyone knows. That's why I needed you."

"Antonio's on his way home huh? Delilah filled me in. By the way, since when do you hang out with white girls like her?"

"Carla, you do realize I'm just as white as Delilah, right?"

"When did this happen?" Carla and I exploded with laughter.

"And I don't hang out with her, Robbie does. I tolerate her for him, plus she seems to really want to help." I took a seat on my bed while talking.

"I've hung out with her a few times and could do without all her smart remarks and comments. I swear she must have the dullest life to be so bitter all the time." Carla scoffed.

"Well, I don't know her well enough to judge. I agree she could keep some things to herself, but we were like that when we were younger."

"Yeah, when we were teenagers, not when we're in our twenties." Delilah clearing her throat at the door startled us. "Delilah, I didn't."

"Know I was standing here? Yeah, got it. Just wanted to let Carla know we have a meeting at Denzel's." Delilah quickly interrupted me. "Meeting?" That's when it hit me. That's how Delilah knew where Carla was. And how Carla had "hung out" with her. Carla works for Luca. Why am I just realizing this now? Did Delilah tell me already?

"I was going to tell you." Carla spoke up realizing I didn't know.

"We uh, have a lot to catch up on. I'm going to head to the shop with Robbie." I replied while a sleepy Leah entered the room, wrapping her arms around my legs. "Good morning baby, wanna talk about yesterday?" Leah nodded her head sleepily. Carla's eyes were locked on Leah in awe, as everyone does. "Leah, this is your aunt Carla." I introduced them. "Hi, Leah." Caral smiled excitedly. "Hi, Aunt Carla." Leah gave a polite smile back. "Carla, we have to go." Delilah groaned in annoyance. "I heard you." Carla hissed and followed her out, she turned back and waved at me before leaving. Once they were gone, I focused my attention back on Leah. "Come sit with me." I pulled her into my lap. "Are you still upset about leaving daddy's?" She shrugged lightly. I can't believe she's going to be five soon. I just wanted to tell you, I'm sorry for making you leave. And let you know you can go to daddy's house whenever you want. And I'm going to try and be nicer to daddy." I searched for Leah's eyes to meet mine. "I want to go to daddy's house, but I don't like Alexa either." I giggled at her small eye roll. "Well, maybe we can scare her off huh?" A huge smile stretched across Leah's face. The room filled with laughter. "Come on, we better hurry and get ready. We're going to the shop today with uncle Rob." She nodded happily and left the room. A sweet memory of her learning to walk crossed my mind, filling my heart with unimaginable love. 

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