Chapter 19

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I woke up in the room where I last saw Robbie. Except he wasn't in here anymore. I was now the one in a bed. I looked over to see Luca walking into the room. "Lana? Are you okay?" Luca placed a hand on mine. "Where's Robbie?" My head felt heavy, and I had a huge migraine. "He's fine, how are you?" Luca searched my eyes. "My head hurts." Luca quickly turned and left the room. He returned with a doctor. "Did you operate on Robbie?" I quickly tried to sit up. Only I got lightheaded. "Take it easy Lana, you hit your head pretty hard." Luca hurried to my side. "I would've caught her if you hadn't gotten in the way." Antonio's voice grabbed our attention. He entered the room slowly. "Antonio you've got two seconds to leave this room before I lose my cool." Luca threatened him. "I'm only delivering a message. Robbie is awake and asking for Lana." He smiled in a way I knew was to piss off Luca. "I'm coming." I pulled the blankets trying to get up. "You couldn't have waited to tell her when she got some rest?" Luca rolled his eyes, while Antonio smirked and left the room quietly. I watched as his shadow never fully left the doorway. He was eavesdropping. But why? "Hold on Lana, let doc check on you first." Luca motioned towards the doctor standing next to me reading over some papers on a clipboard. How is it possible for Luca to have, what seemed like an entire clinic right here in the house, staffed with nurses, and a doctor? "Yes I operated on your brother, he's going to be just fine. Minor complications but he's going to be just fine. Now we need to talk about you." She smiled pleasantly. "Oh, do I have a concussion? I've had one before I'll be fine, I really want to just go see Robbie, if that's okay." I was rushing the doctor to let me leave. "Milana, this is important. First, the baby is fine, but your blood pressure is extremely high. Now typically this can be caused by stress, I do know of some meditation classes to help lower your stress levels if you're interested but there are other non-medicated ways to lower these levels as well. If we don't see improvement in your blood pressure levels, by twenty weeks you're at risk of having preeclampsia, premature birth, and having a low-birthweight infant. I need you to take everything that I have said into serious consideration." She finished. There's no way. I just can't be. We've only slept together once. I looked over by the door to see Antonio peaking in the doorway. He smirked a little, nodded his head at me, and walked away amused. "You're pregnant?" Luca looked at me in complete shock. "No, I can't be." I could barely speak. "You didn't know?" doc asked. I felt tears stinging my eyes and a lump in my throat. "Right, I'm going to go give you some space and let the two of you talk, you should know, you are only six weeks, so you still have time and options." The doctor left Luca and me alone. What the hell am I going to do! I'm trying to protect Leah and now, I'm pregnant. How can I help them both? And Antonio knows. What if he tries again? Tears began to roll down my cheeks. "Have you been with anyone else?" Luca asked. I began to cry hysterically while shaking my head no. "Lana? What's wrong?" Luca grabbed my hand as I became overwhelmed with fear. I took a few deep breaths trying to calm myself. It was time he knew. "Luca, close the door." He looked confused, but he did as I asked. I knew I had to tell him. As much as I wanted to handle it on my own, I needed Luca's help. "There's something I need to tell you." He waited patiently for me to continue. "What I am about to tell you is serious, and it puts Leah in danger. You can not act on it, no matter what you feel. We need to find a smart way to handle this together because I really need your help." My voice cracked towards the end of my sentence. "What happened?" Luca was now on full alert realizing the seriousness of what I was about to say. "While you were away with your father, Antonio and I got closer. We had become very good friends, too close really, he confused me at times about how I felt about you. Luca, I didn't run away from you, I ran away from Antonio. He was the first to know I was pregnant. He was really upset." I paused for a moment to collect my thoughts. I could already see anger in his eyes. Like he knew what was coming. "Luca, Antonio raped me. He beat me, in an attempt to kill Leah, and when he got tired his men did it for him. When they finally stopped, I ran. I ran and I got on the first bus out of here. I didn't want to keep Leah from you, I didn't even want to leave you, I just had to get away from him." He paced back and forth quietly. I could tell how angry he was. "Why didn't you tell me sooner!" He finally snapped. "I wanted to! I just didn't want to put Leah in danger!"

"Lana! Are you even listening to yourself right now? You let him walk around my home like he was my friend! You let him around our daughter! Do you know how stupid that was? I had no idea! He could've hurt her or you, or worse!"

"Luca, look at yourself! This is why I was afraid to tell you!"

"You could've come to me the night it happened!"

"You weren't around Luca!"


He swung towards a nearby table, swiping his arm across, sending everything flying across the room. I was in shock at how angry he was. It scared me. I had never seen him like this.

"And you had the nerve to make me feel like I wasn't good for Leah, or you! You made me feel like this whole time it was because of who I am and what I do! I could've protected you if you had come to me. I'm going to kill him!!"

"Luca no! Not now! Leah could get hurt!"

"You leaving was never about me, it was because you were you wouldn't trust anyone to help you! Leah not having a father for five years is completely your fault!" With that, he left the room, slamming the door behind him. It was a mistake to tell him. He's going to go after him. I need to get up! I need to find Leah and quickly. 

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