Chapter 14

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I waited in Luca's office later that night. I wanted to talk to him about what happened tonight. Maybe it was time I tell him what I'm really afraid of? I believe Kate and Carla around Leah would be safe, but would it put us in more danger to tell him? Luca has a temper, he could try and kill Antonio. Antonio is smart, smart enough to hurt the people he loves rather than hurt Luca directly. The door swung open and Luca stopped in his tracks when he saw me. "We need to talk." I started.

"I have nothing to say to you, overnight Lana. I'm tired of this."

"You're tired of this? I'm tired of this Luca! Alexa!"

"Alexa nothing!" He cut me off. "This has nothing to do with Alexa! You don't trust me. Leah is my daughter too Lana! She is safe! Why can't you get that in that thick skull of yours."

"I just can't Luca!" How was I supposed to explain that he'd failed us once already?

"Then we have nothing more to talk about. We will have shared custody of Leah, and that's all. There's nothing left between us."

"Shared custody?"

"I'm not waiting for you to decide to trust me. You've kept her from me long enough Lana. And you just keep looking for reasons to take my daughter away from me. It's not happening Lana." I hadn't realized his tone of voice changed. He was no longer asking, he was demanding and the look in his eyes taunted me, daring me to argue.

"Luca, I don't want this."

"You're leaving me with no choice Lana."

"Luca, if you want me to trust you, you have to do the same, you have to trust me."

"What haven't I trusted you on?"

"Alexa is not harmless Luca, she put on that show tonight to make me look crazy. Carla saw it too. I bet you haven't even asked Leah how she felt about Alexa being here, if you had, you'd know she doesn't like Alexa." Luca looked as if he were thinking about this. "Carla!!" He shouted towards the door. Carla opened the door and slid into the room quietly. "What happened with Alexa tonight?" Carla looked at me and then back at Luca. "She ran down the hall shoving everyone in her way, including Leah." Carla sounded nervous, was she afraid of Luca? "Go get Leah." Luca rolled his eyes exhaling deeply. "You just don't want to believe your little bed bug would ever do something wrong." I scoffed. "Jealousy doesn't suit you, besides, you decided you didn't want my love." He rolled his eyes. "You said we wouldn't do this in front of her." I reminded him. "Despite whatever we may think or feel about Alexa, Leah's feelings are more important." Just then Leah and Carla stepped into the room. "Hey princess." Luca's mood completely changed. "I need to ask you something." Luca pulled her into his lap. "Am I in trouble?" She looked at me nervously. "No baby, we just have to ask you some questions, that's all." I assured her. "Leah, do you like Alexa?" Luca asked in all seriousness. Leah's eyes shot towards me with a worried expression. "It's okay you can tell us the truth. This is your home and we don't want anyone here if you don't like them." Leah silently shook her head no. "Can you tell me why you don't like Alexa." Luca asked glaring at me as if I planted the idea in her head. Leah looked at me almost in tears. My heart broke and I felt as if I'd caused it. "She hit me." Leah whimpered. "What!" Luca stood up. "When?" I glared a Luca mad that he didn't believe me. "I just wanted to come to see Daddy, but she stopped me, she put her hand on my head like this and pushed me." Leah gestured with her hands that Alexa smacked her forehead. "Why didn't you tell me?" I asked worried she might be keeping other things from me. "Because, Uncle Toni yelled at her, and scared her away." My heart stopped beating for a moment. Antonio was alone with my daughter, no one knew. Luca suddenly stood and stormed out of the room. I scooped Leah up and quickly followed. "Antonio! Alexa!" Luca screamed while walking through the mansion looking for them. We quickly found them out back on the patio. "Luca, what's wrong?" Antonio rushed over. Luca quickly grabbed him by his collar. Oh gosh. "Delilah, take her inside quickly!" I handed Leah over to Delilah, who quickly ran back inside out of sight from the patio. "You saw Alexa put her hands on my child and said nothing to me!" Luca shook him. "I was going to Luca, but I had it handled." Antonio hurried to explain. "I didn't hit her!" I turned to see Alexa's fake attempt at a hurt expression. It sent me over the edge, I took off in her direction, only for Kate to grab my arm and pull me back. Once I was behind Kate, she rushed over to Alexa and punched her, then slammed her head down on the table Alexa was sitting at. "You hit my granddaughter!" Kate shouted at her while pinning her head to the table. "I didn't hit her! I shoved her!" Alexa screamed. "She's a fucking child!" Kate growled. "My child! You pack your shit and don't step another foot into my home again!" Luca barked, as Kate let go of her, and quietly walked away. Alexa stood up, pressed her fingertips to the blood dripping from her mouth, before slowly strutting towards me. Carla stepped forward by my side daring her to try something. Alexa only chuckled before walking away. "I'm gonna make sure she leaves." Carla followed behind Luca and Alexa as they walked away. Antonio stayed behind staring at me. "What?" I rolled my eyes exhausted. "I told you, I don't hurt children." He smirked. "I'm sure." I scoffed.

"You'll never truly understand, you are a victim, you were collateral damage. Never the target."

"Tell that to the nurses and doctors who put me back together."

"I'm telling it to you. You may have seen many sides to me, but for the first time you're seeing the honest side."


"Ask me anything. I won't lie to you."

"Why did you target Leah that night?"


"Envy?" I repeated to myself. "Don't pretend you don't know what I'm talking about, you felt it too. When Luca was away for weeks on end. You felt it too. We both secretly wondered. I acted on anger and impulse, it was my biggest regret."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"I think you do. And I think despite what I did, you still feel it."

Was Antonio right? Is that why I ran? Because I felt a connection to him? Even after he did what he did? It's not something I can forgive or forget. That's it. He's trying to confuse me. That's all this is, a game. Right? 

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