Chapter 16

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Today was the day! I woke up along with Robbie and started breakfast the way I did every year. Leah was finally five! Robbie helped me put together a batch of blueberry pancakes like I do every year for her birthday. This year will be different. I had to make it special for her. I called Kate and Luca early this morning, and they should arrive any minute now. "You do this every year?" Robbie asked while eating a blueberry. "Well not at first, she was too young for pancakes once. But once she started eating solid foods, it became a tradition." I thought back to the first year I did this for her. I giggled at the memory of Leah picking a blueberry out and eating it. "I thought you didn't like blueberries though." Robbie threw one at my head. "I don't, I hate them." I laughed at the confused expression on his face. "The only way I could get her to try new things was to try it with her. I eat a lot of things I don't like but it encourages her to try new things." I explained while stacking her pancakes perfectly. "That's really smart." Robbie gave a half-smile. "Hey, Lana." His tone turned serious. "Yeah?"

"I was wondering. Well, I told mom and dad you were back, and they really want to see you, and Leah."

"Oh." I turned to face him, to see how nervous he really was. The Jones's aren't my parents, but they wanted to adopt me all those years ago. I guess if I hadn't been so stubborn they would be my parents. I guess there's no harm in letting Leah meet them. That's more family for her. Something Robbie and I always wanted. "Okay, sure." I smiled happily at Robbie. "Okay?" He looked skeptical as if I were playing a game.

"Well, they would've been my parents too if I had let them. So why not?"

"Great! I'll give them a call!" Robbie stood up excitedly. Just then, the back sliding door opened and Luca and Kate walked in. "Hey, guys!" I greeted them. "You seem to be in a good mood." I was surprised, Luca walked right over and kissed my forehead. Why? "As do you." I raised an eyebrow. "Well, it's my daughter's fifth birthday." Luca winked at me. "We have a little party planned tonight at our place." Kate entered the kitchen and immediately started pulling out plates and setting the table. It was strange. At this moment, I felt like I had what I always wanted love and family. Just then Leah walked around the corner in her PJs, with messy hair and a big smile. "Happy birthday baby!" I ran over to scoop her up and cover her face in kisses. She giggled and wiggled out of my arms, running to hug Luca and Kate. "Happy birthday princess." Luca kissed her. Before she ran to Robbie. "Hey, what about Mimi!" Leah giggled and ran back to her. At that moment, everything felt perfect. That is until I looked out the window. I slowly turned my head and out on the back lawn stood maybe a dozen men, fully armed. They began to lift their weapons. As if I were trained for this, I quickly ran to Leah, while screaming. "Get down!" I scooped Leah up, and once she was in my arms, the blasts came, along with the sound of glass shattering all around us. Luca grabbed Robbie, and swung open the refrigerator door, shoving Robbie behind it for cover. Luca took cover behind the wall separating the kitchen from the living room and quickly pulled out his phone. "Ben! Where are you? The Moray are here!" When the bullets stopped we all stayed frozen in place. I looked at Kate sitting next to us, who didn't seem shaken up by this at all. "Look at me, both of you!" Kate whispered, grabbing Leah's face to look at her. "Do NOT move until Daddy says so. You need to be very quiet and still, do you understand?" Leah shook her head with tears pouring down her cheeks. Kate kissed her forehead and looked at me. I shook my head in understanding. "Robbie, are you okay?" Luca whispered. "Yeah, I'm fine."

"Do not come out. I need you to do something for me." Luca called out to him in a whispered voice. "Okay?" Robbie was ready. "Grab the closest item to you and toss it towards the couch." I watched as Robbie grabbed some kind of meat from the fridge, and exhaled deeply before tossing it across the room. It knocked something over and the blasts started again. It's strange how in an instant everything can change. It's always when you feel the happiest, that something happens. Robbie's hiding spot had been discovered. I hurried and hurried Leah's face into my chest so she wouldn't see. The bullets took the fridge door off, and when it fell, Robbie did too. Kate's hand quickly covered my mouth. "Not a sound! Be strong!" Kate whispered. I closed my eyes, and for the first time in a long time, I prayed. Soon, the front door burst open, and when it did, Luca jumped out and caught an assault rifle that was thrown at him, within seconds Luca was firing back at the Moray. I squeezed my daughter tightly begging for this to be over. 

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