Chapter 26

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Antonio led me outside to a car that was waiting for us. I climbed in with him hoping once I did, that his men would follow and Leah would be safe. "Where are we going?" I asked once the car started moving. "Just for a ride." Antonio smiled at me. "Why?" I looked around watching every turn this car made.

"To give you a second option. To give you a choice."

"A choice?" He wasn't making any sense.

"I heard about your engagement to Luca." How was that possible? We only just got engaged.

"How did you-"

"Marry me instead Lana." Antonio cut me off.


"I know you may not love me now, but you did feel something for me once. As you can see Luca can't protect you the way I can. If you choose me instead of Luca, I'll raise your children as my own. They'll be set to inherit millions, you and your children would never have to worry about anything ever again. Think about it Lana. What I'm offering you right now, is a guaranteed life filled with happiness and anything you could ever want. Name it and it's yours." I didn't understand, he could offer this to anyone.

"Why me?"

"I've always loved you Lana. I made a mistake five years ago that I can't take back, but maybe I could make it right, by being the man I couldn't back then, and put myself out there."

"You'd still kill Luca."

"Not if you accept my proposal. Once we are married, I'd give you anything you wanted, and if you wanted Luca alive then he would remain alive."

"I just. I don't know about this." I thought outloud.

"Lana, you'd be saving Luca's life, and giving your children one you never thought you could. You could have everything you ever wanted, I'd give you the world if that's what you wanted." What if Luca was all I ever wanted in this life? Antonio's proposal is tempting, I could protect Luca, but I promised I'd never take his children from him again. Would it be worth it, breaking a promise if it meant he'd live?

"The truth is Lana, everything I've ever told you was nothing but the truth. Luca is still hiding things from you, and I bet he still hasn't told you about your birth mother. How well he actually knew her. Can he really love you if he's not even honest with you? I could never lie to you Lana, and I never will." Antonio reached for my hand, I quickly pulled away.

"Then tell me, why do you hate Luca so badly?"

"Because, he stole my life from me." Antonio did not hesitate to answer.


"I'm Stefano Denzel's bastard." My heart dropped.

"I thought you were Luca's cousin."

"My biological mother abandoned me, leaving me with Stefano's sister. I was never her child, and Stefano knew. Stefano never wanted Kate to know he had an affair. Everything that Luca has should've been mine. I'm the eldest, I should've inherited it all."

"So you want to settle the score by killing him?" I scoffed.

"Only if he tries to kill me. I only want what I'm entitled to."

None of this sounded real. It couldn't be true. Stefano was crazy about Kate, Luca and I always wanted what they had. If Alexa is carrying Luca's child, would he give the baby his name? Or would he treat it the same as Antonio was treated.

"I've given you a lot to think about, I'll reach out soon. Go ahead, Luca and his men aren't far behind us." Antonio motioned towards the door. I hadn't realized we stopped. I turned and climbed out. Only Antonio quickly grabbed my hand to stop me. He lifted my hand to his lips and pressed them softly against my hand. "Really and truly think about it Lana." Antonio whispered. I turned and stepped out of the car. Once I was out safely, the car sped off. I watched as an SUV sped around the corner and past me. It slammed on the breaks, drove backwards in reverse, and Luca jumped out. "Lana!" He ran to me. "Luca! You're okay!" I wrapped my arms around him. "And you, are you okay? Did he touch you?" Luca scanned me up and down looking for any sign of abuse. "They're gone." Delilah interrupted. "Are you sure?" Luca scanned the area for himself. "Yes." Delilah rolled her eyes. "Call Carla, have her and Thomas do a sweep of the mansion, let's head back." Luca held my hand tightly pulling me towards the SUV. "Luca." I caught his attention. Luca turned back to face me. "He just wanted to talk." I mumbled. "About what?"

"Luca, he's not going to stop."

"What did he say to you?"

"He wanted to negotiate." I trailed off in thought.

"Negotiate?" I wondered if I should tell him? Maybe it was better if he didn't know. The look in his eyes told me I couldn't. I couldn't keep anything from him anymore, but then again Antonio had a point. He hadn't told me about my mother. Was there something more he kept from me? "Tell me about my mother." I demanded. "What do you mean?"

"Antonio says you know more than you let on."

"Lana there's nothing to tell he's just trying to get in your head."

"I just-"

"No." He cut me off. "Don't do that. Don't doubt me Lana." Luca grabbed my hand and pulled me to the car not wanting to finish the conversation. I'm not sure if I should keep pressing for more information. Antonio hasn't lied to me yet, but if Luca says there's nothing to tell shouldn't I trust him as well? It's complicated because they both swear honesty, yet they're telling two different sides of a story. What should I do? 

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