Six Months Later...

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I was screaming in pain as I laid in the delivery room. "Lana, just breathe." Doc tried to calm me down. "What do I do? Do you want me to hold your hand?" Luca was panicking. "Get away from me." I growled at him. "I can't believe you're about to have a natural birth with twins! You really are special!" Doc complimented me happily. "I don't feel very special right now." I spat. "Doc, what do I need to expect here?" Luca chimed in again. Annoying the hell out of me. "Luca calm down!" I snapped at him. "Give it to me straight, am I going to need to catch them when they fall out?" Luca kept panicking. "What? Luca, do you know anything about childbirth?" Doc looked at him as if he were stupid. "Luca you don't do anything but stand out of the way!" I yelled at him. "Oh wow, that's a big contraction." Doc rubbed my back. "How do you know?" Luca looked through all the equipment searching for answers. I hadn't seen him like this since we were kids. "Lana, looks like we're ready to get started." Doc prepared for delivery. "What now? Are you sure?" Luca looked between me and Doc. "Are you ready?" Doc asked before we started. I inhaled deeply and nodded. It was time. I was finally going to see my babies.

"To all the mamas who are waiting patiently (and sometimes anxiously) for labor to begin: remember that this is your first act of selflessness as a mother. There will be many more. But for now, this acceptance of your child's unique journey, this willingness to trust your baby, will set the tone for your future relationship."

-Lauralyn Curtis

Welcome to the world, Riley Paige, and Olivia Grace Denzel. 

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