Chapter 20

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I climbed out of bed and ran after Luca. "Luca! Wait!" I ran through the hall close behind him. "Where is he?" Luca screamed. "Antonio!!" Luca's face had gone completely red. "Luca! There's something you should know!" Ben ran towards Luca. "Where's Antonio?" Luca asked as Ben got closer. "It's about Antonio." Ben hurried to explain. "He's with the Moray!" Tyler finished for Ben. "What?" Luca waited for an explanation. "We questioned a few of the locals on Moray Island, Antonio has been working with the Moray." Delilah jumped in to tell him. "He's gone!" Carla ran up. "What?" I turned to face her, along with everyone else. "I've searched this whole house, he's already gone." Carla panted out of breath. "Where's Leah?" I quickly turned and ran through the mansion. "Kate!" I shouted through every hall. "Lana?" Kate's voice called out to me. I followed it to her den. Kate held Leah in her arms as she rocked her, happily. "Oh, thank god." I fell to the floor, trying to catch my breath. "Milana Bradley, what on earth is wrong with you?" Kate gave me a look that said I need to explain myself. So I did. I broke down and told her everything, all while Leah slept. I told her about Antonio, and how I wanted to tell her so badly. I told her what Luca said, and how I felt about it. I"m not sure how long, I'd been there crying but it felt like I'd gone on forever. "Don't feel guilty for doing what you felt was right. Luca is a father, it's very different from being a mother, similar in a lot of ways, but also very different. We feel our children grow inside us. We feel everything, the hiccups, the turns, and the stretches. Fathers feel the need to protect but not in the same sense as a mother. We love in a way that makes us crazy at times." Kate tried to comfort me. "Maybe Luca is right, I should've just told him the night it happened." I admitted with defeat. "I think what you did was a very hard decision to live with. You know, back in the day, queens would sometimes be beaten and raped during wars, and battles, but unless it was seen publicly, no one knew. By admitting it or making it public, it would make the queens look like victims. It would strip them of the reputation they had, as a strong leader, untouchable. I want you to know you never have to hide anything from us again. With that being said, I think what you did, showed Antonio had no power over you. You showed him, you were not the victim, and you still remained strong and in control of your life. It was admirable, that you carried the weight of the pain for so long, alone." Kate smiled lovingly at me.

"It doesn't feel that way. Is that true?" I wondered.


"About the queens?"

"God, I really don't know, why did it make sense?" Kate admitted, and we both broke into laughter. I felt better after talking and getting it all off my chest. "Now, what do I do about Luca?" I looked to Kate again for answers. "Just go talk to him, I'm sure he's just hurting from not being there to protect you. He was always so territorial and protective of you. His father was like that with me." She was right, he has always been that way towards me. The first day we met, he punched a guy in the face for accidentally spilling his beer on me. I quickly stood and headed off to find Luca. "I want surveillance all over Moray Island. I want him dead!" I heard Luca shout from inside his office. "Luca, look me in the eyes and tell me the truth. What's really going on here." Thomas, Kate's boyfriend asked Luca. "He raped Lana." Luca whispered, I could hear the sadness in his voice, and it confirmed what Kate believed. Luca was hurting. "Save your anger for him, I'll find him." Thomas promised him. The door swung open startling me. I gasped and jumped away from the door. Thomas just caught me listening in on their conversation. "Excuse me Lana. I don't think we've been introduced yet. I'm Thomas." He gave a warm smile. "It's nice to meet you. Well, officially anyway. Is he busy?" I pointed at the door, towards Luca. "Not at all. Lana, I hope you know I'm at your service for whatever you might need." His smile returned. "Thank you, Thomas." I felt insecure about him knowing I was raped, yet something about him felt like I could trust him. I turned and slowly entered Luca's office. He stopped what he was doing and looked up at me. I stood there quietly unsure what to do now. "I'm sorry." Luca's expression changed from anger to sadness. "It's fine."

"No, it's not, I lost my temper." Luca looked down at the ground.

"I'm sorry too. Maybe I should've told you. I just thought I was doing the right thing at the time." I tried to comfort him.

"As much as I wish you would've told me. I understand. We can't change the past."

"What will we do now?" I hoped he'd have an answer.

"Leave Antonio to me. You just focus on Leah, Robbie, and..." His eyes scanned over my body.

"The baby?"

"Yes." There was something more he wanted to say, and I already knew what it was.

"Luca, no one could be the father but you." I assured him. He sighed almost in relief. He walked over to me, without stopping he quickly pressed his mouth to mine. He pulled away slowly placing a kiss on my forehead then wrapped his arms around me. "I swear to you Lana, no one will ever hurt you again. Antonio will not get a second chance, I promise." At that moment, I've never been as sure about him. There was no doubt in my mind that I loved Luca. I'd been so focused on protecting Leah, that I had pushed Luca from my mind, but I can't do it anymore. I love him, and I am letting myself trust him, with my life, and Leah's. 

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