Chapter 31

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I'd never felt this angry before. I thought I'd be heart broken or scared even, but never angry. "Who was it?" Luca shouted. "It was this guy right here." Thomas paused the security cameras, showing a man grab Leah. "Is he one of ours?" Luca studied the image carefully. "No." Thomas shook his head. He seemed disappointed in himself. "Wait! That guy showed up with Alexa!" Carla pointed at the man, leaning closer to look at him. My anger had just gone up another level. Without warning, I turned and stormed towards the guest house. "Lana! Wait!" Luca called out to me. A guard was waiting outside. I quickly snatched his gun from his hip and stormed in. Alexa was sitting on a small sofa, smiling at me. "You listen to me bitch, I want my daughter back, and I want her now. You're going to tell me where she is, and if you don't, I swear to God you'll never meet your child." I pressed the gun to her belly, ready to kill for my daughter. I felt an adrenaline rush. I glanced over to see Luca looking at me in a way I didn't recognize. I didn't care. I wanted my daughter. Alexa's eyes were widened with fear, she could tell I was serious. "Here, call him." Alexa handed me a phone. "Who!" I glared at her. "Antonio." She looked at Luca for help. He swore he wouldn't go after Leah. I picked up the phone and dialed his number.


"Antonio, where is my daughter?"



"Was it ever real, Lana?"

"What are you talking about?"

"You know what I'm talking about. Was it ever real? Or were you just playing me the whole time?"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Damnit Lana, yes you do!"

"Okay, okay, calm down, I'll meet you. We can talk about this."

"Lana, I'm getting what I'm owed with or without you."

"You give me my fucking daughter back, you psychopath!"

"There's the real Lana! Where have you been hiding?

"I'm done with this shit Antonio! My daughter is the only thing I care about and you will not touch her!"

"Then I suggest you be at the docks in an hour."

He hung up the phone and I quickly threw the phone against the wall. "Lana, what did he say?" Luca went to touch my arm. I quickly grabbed Alexa by her hair and pulled her with me. "Delilah!" I screamed marching back to the mansion pulling Alexa behind me. "Lana?" Delilah found me and her face immediately filled with confusion. "Tie her up. If she tries anything, I want you to put a bullet in her stomach." Delilah's eyes widened in shock. If there was anyone around here I trusted to scare Alexa, it was Delilah. "Got it." Delilah's expression turned to stone and she nodded. "Luca! It's your baby! It's your child!" Alexa screamed while being pulled away. "Lana!" Luca shouted at me. I turned around to see Luca irritated. "Where is our daughter?" He asked angrily. "She'll be at the docks in an hour. I need to call Robbie." It was time for that back up plan. If something happens to me or Luca, Robbie needs to take Leah and run. THey needed to leave and find somewhere safe. Suddenly I felt it. The fear was finally creeping in. I dialed Robbie quickly while shaking. "Lana? What's wrong?" He answered the phone.

"Robbie, remember our plan?" I spoke through a shaky voice. "What?"

"Remember if things were to go bad?" I hated having to do this.

"What do you need?" Robbie's voice said he understood.

"He's got her Robbie, I need your help."

"Tell me what to do." Robbie sounded prepared for it. I was now terrified. Everything I was ever afraid of, was coming. It was time. I have to kill Antonio. I walked through the mansion mentally preparing myself for what might come. The only problem is, how do you mentally prepare yourself for something like this? The sound of the TV caught my attention. I looked over to see a group of men huddled up in front of the tv. "With wind speeds up to seventy-four miles per hour, we're looking at a category one hurricane, all along the coast here." More than emotional storms were brewing. "Lana, I want you to stay here, let me and my men handle it." Luca grabbed my arms making me face him. "I can't Luca. You don't understand." I shook my head.

"I know you feel obligated to finish this war, but it was never your war, it was always about me." Luca's eyes pleaded with me to listen.

"Maybe so, but he still has my daughter. This is my war as much as it is yours."

"I don't want you getting hurt."

"I will be fine Luca."

"You're pregnant." He rubbed my belly.

"Which makes me even more dangerous."

"Baby I love that you're this confident you can do this, and I don't doubt that you can. I don't want you to, Antonio is unpredictable."

"Luca, I'm not asking for permission, I understand Antonio better than anyone. I'm going to get my daughter." I knew if we had a chance to get Leah back, I had to be there. I had to be the one. Leah and I went up against Antonio once, we can do it again. I promised Antonio he wouldn't get the chance to repeat history, and he won't. Again, my daughter and I will survive. 

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