Chapter 23

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"Oh, my gosh. Is that?" I stared at the screen in front of me. Two little dots floated on the screen. Tears began to fill my eyes from worry. "What? What's wrong? Lana?" Luca was on full alter by my reaction. "Would you look at that. Wow." The doctor smiled at the screen. "Will someone please tell me what's wrong?" Luca was getting irritable. "There's two." The doctor and I said at the same time. "Two?" Luca still wasn't getting it. "There are two babies Luca." I snapped a little. "Congratulations, it's twins, and identical too." Luca's eyes widened and filled with tears. "Momma, you're having two babies?" Leah's little eyes turned glossy as well. "Oh baby, I'm sorry." I hurried to apologize. "I always wanted to be a big sister." Leah smiled and looked over at the monitor. It seemed like everyone was happy about this. Only, I wasn't. I mean, twins, what am I going to do with twins? I'm worried, I guess though, as long as I'm with Luca, I will always be worried. "Look Leah, those little bubbles, those are the babies." I pointed towards the screen, as Leah leaned in closer to see. "Woah! You mean that's them? Both of them?" Luca sounded more like a child than Leah. I couldn't help but laugh at him. He kept his pointer finger on his lips as he looked closer at the bubbles on the screen. "Don't worry, they'll grow." Doc reassured Luca. "Here you go, I printed off copies for everyone." The doctor handed me pictures of the twins. "Momma, do you have mine?" Leah referred to her own sonogram picture. "You know what, I actually do." Luca spun around at that and stared at me. "Come on, let's go get it." I Leah them to Luca's room where I'd been staying and found my backpack. I opened it up and pulled out a file with documents in them. Everything looked old, dirty, and was covered with wrinkles. "Here you go." I handed the picture to Leah. It was clipped to her birth certificate. Luca examined the birth certificate Leah's newborn feet were printed on it. He traced it lightly. "I'm bigger." Leah pointed out the difference between hers and the twin's pictures. "Momma didn't have enough money to see a doctor so I had to wait for a nice lady from a church to help me." The woman was actually from a woman's shelter. You know, for the homeless. I had to stay in one for a while. Luca looked at the picture in awe. "It says Southeast Women's Sanctuary." Luca thought out loud and looked at me confused. I motioned towards Leah, not wanting to share those details in front of her. I never wanted Leah to know I was homeless. Suddenly Kate swung through the door. We forgot about her. "Milana Bradley, Luca Denzel! Why did I hear from the doc that I'm going to be a grandmother again!" Kate glared at us. "I'm sorry ma, it slipped my mind." Luca apologized. "I honestly assumed you knew already." I responded. "And twins?" Kate raised her eyebrows. Luca nodded in response. I still wasn't sure how to feel about having two. What if it's two boys? Or worse, two girls? What would I do with three girls? "Excuse me, Luca. I'm sorry to interrupt but you have a visitor." Thomas entered the room speaking softly. We all looked at each other confused. No one shows up at the mansion without being invited. "Who?" Luca squinted his eyes, studying Thomas. "Alexa." Thomas looked at me nervously. "Send her away." Luca scoffed with annoyance. "Sir, you really want to see her." The look in Thomas's eyes was enough to make my heart race. Something was wrong. "Kate, will you watch Leah? If Alexa wants Luca, she's getting me too." I stood and walked towards the door. As we made our way to the front hall, I could already see her, and my body filled with complete horror. I refused to let her see it. Luca must've noticed it too because he grabbed my hand and squeezed it tightly. "Hi, Lu" She said in a flirtatious tone, batting her eyelashes at him. "What do you want?" Luca stared at her blankly. What the hell kind of name is Lu? "Isn't it obvious?" Alexa placed her hands over her bloated belly rubbing it softly. "I'll ask again, what do you want?" Luca repeated himself. "I want the father of my child present in its life." She said that with a bit of attitude. Luca's grip on my hand tightened. "Luca, what was it that she told you before? We need a DNA test to protect you and your money, right?" I smiled at her hoping to piss her off. It worked. "I'm not trailer trash like you. I don't have to trap a man with a baby to keep him." Her innocent smile returned. "Apparently you do." I rolled my eyes. "Enough of this, Alexa leave." Luca pointed to the door. "I'm not going anywhere. You have no proof that my baby isn't yours, the same way you have no proof she's pregnant with yours." Alexa laughed a little mid-sentence. Please send her away Luca. I couldn't help but think to myself. "You can stay in our guest house until I can get a DNA test. You will not step one foot into this house, and if I find you anywhere near my daughter, you'll regret it." Luca pointed a finger at her. "What?" I snatched my hand out of his, in anger. "Just until I can get a DNA test." He tried to calm me. "Luca, no. I'm warning you." I glared at him. "And I'm warning you, don't threaten me." Luca growled now irritated with me. "Damn it Luca! This is my home too, and she is NOT staying here." I was surprised by myself. I didn't expect to explode so quickly. Luca's stone expression changed. He looked as though he might laugh, which only made me angrier. "Fine. She can stay here if that child passes a DNA test. I'll have Thomas contact you once we get someone to do the test." Luca told Alexa, who was looking at us both in disgust. "Luca, I have nowhere to stay." Alexa's voice and expression softened. "Yes, you do." Luca wrapped his arm around my waist and began walking away. With our backs to her, Luca broke out into a wide grin. "What?" I hissed. "Nothing." His smile only grew brighter. He chuckled lightly then placed a kiss on my temple. My anger suddenly melted away. Maybe I could marry Luca. Maybe I could have a happy life with him and our children. But before that, we have to deal with Alexa. 

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