Chapter 30

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I woke the next morning to the house buzzing with laughter and people. It was time, this war was finally coming to an end. "Thomas set up patrols around the house. I want eyes on my daughter and fiance at all times, but at a respectful distance." Luca was standing in the main hall barking orders already. "Yes sir." Thomas responded. The doctor suddenly flew through the room and headed straight for Luca. She whispered something to him, and his eyes shot up in my direction, along with a defeated look. Alexa, her results must've been back in. Luca kept a blank expression and walked towards me. "It's yours isn't it?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

"It changes nothing. Alexa will stay until the child is born and then we will come up with a plan." Luca tried to appear positive.

"You're going to have three infants, how will you make this work? How will you make time for all of them? Will her child be raised with ours?"

"I don't know Lana."

"Luca, I don't want you to do what your father did to Antonio."

"I can't, I could never." Luca's face was serious, yet pained. I knew we couldn't talk about this now, he had preparations to make.

"Did you get rid of the phone?" I changed the subject.

"Yes. This isn't even half of my men Lana, more are coming today."

"This isn't even half?" I gawked at him in shock. This is already a lot of people. Was it necessary though?

"Why so many?" I thought outloud.

"We don't know how many Antonio has. It's better to be prepared."

"Should I be worried?" I had to ask.

"Not at all, you're safe." Luca kissed my head softly.

"Luca, I heard the results are back." Alexa's voice ruined the moment. I should've known how quickly she'd run to Luca. If she wants to play games, then we can play games. I can make this painful.

"Alexa, yes we did get the results back. You are welcome to stay in our guest house, until the baby is born. Though we are under a bit of stress around here so you should remain there, we'll have food sent to you." I smiled as big as I could.

"Oh, that's okay, I'll just stay in the main house, it's just so big and it's better for the baby if I stay active." Alexa quickly responded.

"I completely agree, we will have some fitness equipment sent out there to keep you active. Oh and don't worry we are in this together, every step of the way, I'll be there." It was time I made my place known, this is my home now, my future husband, and my family. It's time for the real Milana Bradley, with an attitude problem, and a short temper, to introduce herself.

"Oh it's okay, I have an appointment today, Luca can come alone." Alexa challenged me even more.

"I feel it's important that I, the stepmother, should be there to love and support this baby like it's my own, no way would I miss it." I rubbed her arm which only pissed her off.

"Luca?" Alexa looked at Luca hoping he'd make me back off.

"Great idea Lana. Thomas! Could you escort Alexa to the guesthouse and have someone stand guard outside?" Luca played along. Thomas nodded lightly. "Oh, and Thomas! She doesn't step foot into this house without me saying so." I quickly spoke up. It was a bold move, I know. I needed to make my position around here clear. I just hope Luca doesn't react badly to me giving orders to his men. Thomas looked at Luca who smirked, filling me with confidence.

"Whatever my queen wants." Luca wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me away from them. He began to laugh a little once we were gone. "Why are you laughing?" I shoved him.

"Because you're cute when you're territorial. We need to work on appearance though." Luca chuckled.


"I pulled you away for a reason. Don't give anyone a chance to argue with you, and don't look back when you're walking away, it shows doubt and weakness." Luca smirked at me.

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Well sweetheart, if you want to run this castle you gotta learn to strut like a queen." Luca winked. We both burst into laughter.

"That was so cheesy!" I shoved his arm.

"It made you laugh though, so it gets me points somewhere."

"You're such a dork." I teased him. I intertwined my fingers with his, as we walked through the mansion. Once again, when things seem perfect our lives shatter again testing us. "LUCA!" Kate screamed throughout the house. "Kate?" I looked to Luca as my heart stopped. Something was wrong if Kate was screaming. "Mom! What's wrong?" Luca ran to Kate. I followed quickly behind him. "It's Leah! She's gone!" Kate explained. "What!" Panic began to fill me.

"We have a rat!" Delilah growled looking around us.

"Who?" Luca demanded to know.

"It was a new recruit who was on patrol duty." Ben chimed in.

"No way, couldn't have been. I've never seen that guy." Carla argued with Ben.

"You're not around new recruits." Delilah rolled her eyes at Carla.

"She was playing and someone took her." Kate was trying to explain to Luca over all the noise.

"I do more work around here than you know!" Carla snapped back at Delilah.

"Not since you met Tyler." Delilah got in Carla's face.

"What did I do?" Tyler now joined the fight.

"ENOUGH!!" I screamed as loud as I could.

Everyone froze. I was so confused and annoyed with all of the noise and chaos. "Where the fuck is my daughter!" I demanded to know. I was growing more irritable and pissed. Luca crossed his arms over his chest and looked at everyone, ready to kill. 

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