Chapter 29

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"Well don't you look stunning." Antonio met me at a waterfront restaurant. It had been a month since I accepted his proposal, which meant having to spend a lot of time with him. "Thank you Toni." I cringed on the inside, as I kissed his cheek. I know this was my idea, but I hated it. "Does Luca suspect anything?" Antonio smirked.

"No, as always he's busy with work."

"And Leah? How is she?" I hated when he talked about her.

"She's good, she's taken an interest in music, and ballet."

"Ahh the fine arts, if I'm not mistaken you were once interested in the same." He smiled at me as he sipped his whine. His eyes were locked on mine. "Do you still play the guitar?" He continued with this dull conversation. I hated this, I wish I were at home eating with my family.

"Not much, my interest switched from guitar to piano after I left." I took a long sip from my water wishing it were alcohol. "Lana, I think it's time we had a serious conversation." Antonio's expression became stone. "Okay?"

"We've been doing this for a little over a month now, I think it's time for you and Leah to join me in my home and for us to settle on a date." He seemed pleased with himself.

"A date?"

"Yes, for the wedding?" Play this right Lana. Don't make it obvious that this isn't what you want.

"That sounds nice, I just. I want her to spend a little more time with her grandmother and her father before we go."

"The longer you wait the harder it will be to tell her she may never see him again." He sang in a patronizing tone.

"What?" Okay, I'll entertain this.

"My love, I can't allow it once she takes my name. If I am giving your children my name, I will not have them seeing Luca as their father anymore." I don't know why I thought I could pull this off, he hasn't leaked any useful information yet, and now he's wanting to move us in with him. Maybe I should call this off?

"I didn't realize. I'm sorry Antonio, I'm not feeling well. I think I'll head back early tonight." I lied motioning to my belly, suggesting fake pregnancy sickness. "Well, allow me to help you." He leaned forward. "No, I'm fine." I quickly stood and bolted out of the restaurant. I didn't mean to, I just wanted to be with Luca. I didn't want to be alone with Antonio anymore. I was always worried he knew the truth or that he somehow knew how I really felt about him. I got a taxi and headed back to the mansion. When I entered the house, I heard faint laughter, and followed its sound. It led me to a room I hadn't been in before, I slowly cracked the door open, to see an in home theater. There was a cartoon playing and everyone was curled up watching it. I found Luca and Leah curled up together, tossing popcorn at Ben and Tyler. This is what I wanted. This was my safe haven. I closed the door again, and headed to my room for a shower. I needed to think this through. I seem to be putting myself in danger by leading on Antonio. It's funny when you think about it. I tried so hard to protect Leah from Luca when this whole time Antonio was the one we needed to worry about. I wasn't in the shower long before Luca snuck in. He wrapped his arms around me and rubbed my belly lightly. I turned around to face him, and buried my face into his chest. "What is it?" Concern filled his voice.

"I don't want to do it anymore." Tears built up in my eyes.

"Did he hurt you?" Luca lifted my chin and quickly examined my face for any signs of trouble.

"No. He's not leaking any information. All he ever wants to do is make small talk and now, he wants to settle on a date and have Leah and I move in."

"Well that's not going to happen. You know I'll always protect you, and if you don't want to continue on then you don't have to. I can fight my own war, and I should've never let you go along with this plan in the first place."

"I can't just end it." I scoffed.

"Yes you can. Just give me your phone, I'll toss it and you'll never have to contact him again."

"It would be that simple?" I asked unsure.

"At first." Luca chuckled a little. Not making me feel any better. "He will eventually come, but thanks to you, you've given me enough time to prepare. Reinforcements are arriving tomorrow." Luca smiled nonchalantly. "Reinforcements?"

"My men aren't all in one place Lana. They've been handling business elsewhere but now, I've called all my men home. Antonio wants a fight then fine, but he's not getting my wife, or my children." Luca smiled as if he were amused with my worry. "I'm not technically your wife yet."

"Well you will be soon." I couldn't help but laugh. I was so head over heels in love with this man. I can't believe I ever let him go to begin with. I was going to trust Luca on this, I couldn't handle pretending with Antonio anymore. I didn't want to. I'm ready to settle down with Luca. I know Luca will always be in this business, but maybe we can still live a normal life, other than Antonio's drama so far we already were living a normal life. I'm ending this situation with Antonio, tonight. 

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