Song selection ~ Chap. 5

837 13 39

Possible TW for mild depressive thoughts


I wake up another day.

I rise with a sigh before getting up and walking to the bathroom. I look in the mirror, "you got this. You're hot, confident, sexy, and talented..." I trailed off.

My old therapist told me to say that to myself every day. I'm fine now but it's still my back bone, what keeps me going.

Though lately I haven't felt like I live up to those words.

Whatever. Just get through today, you'll be in a good mood once you start.

A take a shower and do all my other normal stuff, I put on my second best outfit. It may be to strange for just rehearsal, but it makes me feel comfortable.

[I'm to lazy to crop]

Since my theater time is in the evening I have a lot of time to kill.

I head over to Ash's house unannounced. It's no big deal honestly.

She answered the door to ma and let me in, "what's up? I need to be to Moon theater in a few hours."

I didn't answer her but just entered and flopped onto her couch. "I won't keep you too long." I sighed and closed my eyes.

"Woahhh. What happened man?" She ran over to my side.

"I don't know." I hid my face from her. "I'm just tired of everything. Funny part is, I don't even know why." I fake laughed and covered my eyes with my arm.

"Are you getting... those thoughts again?" She tried to ask sensitively.

"I... maybe."

She pulled me into a hug, and ofcourse I hugged her tightly back. Honestly, it almost felt like it recharged a battery in me.

"Ok. Y/N. I don't care what you think. I
Want you to know you'll always be a badass to me." She pulled away.

My eyes definitely welled up but luckily no water escaped my eyes.

"Thanks man. Got anything to eat in this place?"

"Yep. Knock yourself out." She punched my arm and walked upstairs.

I got up and looked through her cupboards and fridge and decided on (F/F).

I took my dish to the couch and started to eat. Ash came down with new clothes and some makeup on.

"Feelin' better?"

I look back up to her, "a bit."

I set down my now empty dish on her coffee table as she asked me another question.

"Find any songs for your routine?" She sat down next to me.

"Uh... maybe. But I kinda wanted to dance while I sing along like Gunter and Rosita did at the live rubble show." I explained.

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