competitions ~ chapter 17

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Alrighty so I'm going to skip a few rounds since it's not like they are important in the story any way or see the characters perform. If you want to listen to the songs I'll put them right here, I really recommend listening to them! They are so good stuff

(Putting a twisted on toxic, Egg yt)

(Lemon lime lips, Nathan Apollo on yt)

( Putting a twist on Hey there Delilah, milk)


No matter what I do, or how many rounds of the competition I compete in, I will ALWAYS majority stress before.

Even more so this time considering that this is my first performance with my dance partner. He's really nice and all but something about him just... Makes me nervous. It almost feels like I'm performing for him rather then working for him.

Not to mention he's crazily flirty when on one is around us. Fuuunnnn...

And once again, unlucky for me, buster is unable to is my nerves this time around because Ash just had to have a wardrobe malfunction he had to tend to.

"Honestly! There should be more staff of this shit." I mumble out digging through my box of my costumes trying to find my little headpiece that goes to it.

"Hello my hot head."


"Looking for this?" A Male voice asked behind me.

I turn to see Jayden... My dance partner.

He smirked leaning up against the doorway, swinging the little crown-like headpiece around his finger.

"Did you take that from my box?" I deadpaned unamused.

"Ehh, no need to thank me hermoso~" he dragged along the doorway and headed over to me.

He placed the crown over my head easily considering the height difference between us.

"Ready to dance?~" he said holing out his paw waiting for me to take it.

"Yeah. Let's go." I agreed in a monotone voice and moved past him.

"Tch. No need to be heartless." He basically said to himself in an over exaggerated tone.

We got to the waiting spot just in time. I stayed away from the others for the most part. I was at the side of the stage so I could watch in person this time.

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