aftermath ~ chapter 13

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Back to your POV

I toss around, awake, but not ready to get up.

I slowly start to crack open my eyes and study the ceiling... But not my ceiling?

I lazily turned my head to see an array of clothing, my clothing, scattered on the floor.

...wait a minute-

I bursted up in my spot to see Buster sleeping beside me.

Oh no. Oh nonono-

My face flushed in frear "I fucked my boss...? Oh shit- oh no! No no! Oh my God! I can't even remember-"

"What?" I heard Buster's groggy voice interrupt me.

I immediately tensed up and attempted to cover my body with my arms. I look over and am met with Buster trying to adjust himself to being awake. "What are you going on about?" He rubbed his eyes.

"Did we....." I was to embarrassed to finish my question.

Buster clearly didn't catch on right away but put the pieces together quickly. Once he figured out what I had asked his eyes shot open. "Oh no! Of course not! Y- you were drunk, I wouldn't!" He stammered and tried to explain.

You could clearly see a wave of relief washed over me. "Oh thank goodness," I met his eyes once again.

"Did I do anything stupid?" I hesitantly asked.

He cleared his throat and noticeably got flustered. "You did.. uh.. kind of.. maybe ᴷᶦˢˢᵉᵈ ᵐᵉ-"

"WHAT!?" I interrupted him and put both hands to my head in panic. "Oh my shit! Buster I am so so sorry! I didn't mean to, honest!"

"Y/N" Buster tried to speak.

"This- this is so unprofessional-"


"I- I told myself I wouldn't try anything because you won't like me that way and- oh gosh-"


That one got my attention.

" Y/N, I'm not mad at you. I liked it." He confessed and looked down.

"...woah..." I facepalmed and gazed at him. "...really...?"

"Well yeah-" just then he was cut off by my phone ringing.

"Oh- uh... I should probably get that. Stick a pin in this." I told him and swiftly got out of bed to reveal I only had on boxers. "Oh! .... Well shit..." I let out in embarrassment.

snatching my phone I went to the hall outside Buster's room. By that time the call had passed, revealing that I had 16 missed calls from both Ash and Johnny. "What the..." I mumble under my breath and look at the time. "ONE IN THE AFTERNOON!?"

I quickly call back Ash for her to answer on the first ring.

(Btw during the call
So yeah 👍)

Buster moon x Masc ReaderΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα