I Need More of That ~ Chap 18 (+13)

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Hey possible 13+ chapter again. It will probably be a bit more then last time so prep yourself. Same deal, I'll put this when it's starting and ends: ⚠️

"I love you too"

I smiled to myself fully at peace. Buster sheepishly grabbed my hand and intertwined his fingers in mine.

Just as I was about to ask buster to come over for the night Ash passed me with her guitar case in hand. "Pack it up and head out skittle squad. We all are heading to dinner. You guys should join this time."

I definitely want to go to make up for last time. "Sure thi... Wait. Skittle sq- is that supposed to be a gay jo-"

"Already gone!" Ash yelled heading out the door.

I sighed quietly. "What am i going to do with her?" I whisper under my breath. I look up at buster gazing at everyone leaving.

"Are we going?" I ask poking his side.

"Oh sure, let's go." He snapped out of it and smiled down a me. (Or up)

We headed out to my car where we both got in. Ash texted me the location and soon we made it to the restaurant. "Huh.. never been here before."

We got out and met the others in the little waiting room between the outside and restaurant doors.

"Hey dudes!" I waved at everyone. "Were we the last ones?" I ask skimming to see who all was here.

"Yeah, but now we are all here let's get seated." Rosita said in her sweet voice and pointed to the door.

"Agreed! I'm totally starving!" Gunther grabbed his stomach.

We head in to the front part where there was a sweet goat greeting customers walking in. "Oh my, looks like a full house. You guys all together?" She asked grabbing a hand full of menus.

"We sure are." Rosita answered her question.

"Alrighty then, lucky for you our party table just opened up," she stepped off the stand and handed the menus to a worker standing off to the side.

"Hello my name is Mochi and I'll be your server today. Please follow me!" The young waitresses gestured for us to follow.

We all sat at a big circular table, Buster on one side of me and Ash on the other. The worker passed us out menus and asked us what drinks we wanted to start off with.

It started at Ash and went around so that I was last. "And for you sir?" She asked what drink I wanted.

"A long island iced tea please." I smiled at her. She scribbled it down in her notepad. "Well if you guys need anything just give me a holler."

Buster glared at me as soon as she walked away. "What?" I asked.

"Just remember not to drink to much. Remember what happened last time..." H lowered his voice.

Ash still heard and tried to hold in a laugh. I kicked the side of her leg and turned back to Buster. "Aw come on I won't get drunk from one or two glasses, don't worry." I smiled at him.

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