minion Facebook mom - pt.2

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Aadjjddn sorry I haven't been posting I feel like shit and like going though one of those things where you like hate yourself yk
Pshshshs anyway

If you don't spam my comments I will take it personally.


I love comments

Song used: drops of Jupiter

"Ahh.." I sigh and stretch in my bed letting my back crack and eyes lazily open.

I sat up and looked to my side to see Buster lightly sleeping next to me.

I warmly smiled at the endearing site of his messed up hair and faint snoring. "Mm" I hummed in awe and and half laid back down on my side watch him.

I relaxed at the sound of him breathing. How his chest was slightly bobbing up and down when he took a breath, how his nose twitched every once and a while, how his fur ruffled when he was cold. I studied it all.

I can't explain it, and it might even sound silly, but I notice every move. No matter what he's doing or how he's doing it, I love it.

I let my eyes look around his light Gray complexion.

Soon enough his eyes fluttered open to meet my sight. "Oh, hi." I smiled and greeted him.

"Good morning handsome." He smiled back. He's been calling me that for a while now, especially the first time we see each other in a day. He rubbed his eyes and looked me up and down. "You were staring at me again, weren't you?"

"Yeah.." I nervously laughed at the fact that I've been caught. "I'm sorry, you're just so pretty." I said poking the side of his face.

"Well it's creepy." He joked and chuckled pushing my hand away. "Alright." He raised his body and stretched, starting to hop off the bed. "I'm going to brush my teeth and stuff. If Porsha isnt's up in around 30 or so minutes I would wake her so we can get ready to leave in a few hours." He explained while walking to the door.

"Alright!" I nodded to show I was listening.


"Come oonnnn!" I yelled, snatching my keys off the counter. "Let's go let's go!" I practically was jumping up and down with excitement.

"Chill out!" Porsha yelled from the hallway.

Buster just giggled at my childish display of excitement and took place next to me.

"Ready for your first surprise?" He whispered in my ear.

"Hell yeah!" I turned to face him with my fists balled up and sitting by my chest. "There's more than one!?"

"Mhm, though this one isn't too exciting." He said reaching into his pocket.

He pulled out his little brown wallet, flipping through it. "Aha!" He smiled and pulled out a little Blue and white card. He handed it to me and smiled proudly.

"Awe" I studied the card. "You forged a driver's license. Good job this is realistic." I joked holding the card between my index and middle finger.

Buster moon x Masc ReaderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt