Auditions (movie start)

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This chap is a few weeks after last chapter. (You and ash are on good terms, the movie is beginning) ALSO this took for absolute EVER so comment your heart out. I want to be spammed so bad my phone won't work.

After what felt like countless hours of work and effort, in a span of a few hours are dreams were about to come true, or become brutally crushed.

We had inspectors come in for this show before, giving us good reviews too! Some being "your kids will love it!" And "super silly fun!" Which is definitely better then nothing. As it begins I peek through the curtain to get a glimpse of her, Suki Saluki.

I bit my lip and stepped back in fear, hopping to my group, which was on next.

Just as I got there my train of thought was interrupted by a bunch of kids in flower costumes running out through the curtains. "Move y/n!" One of my dance partners whispered to me as if I missed our que.

"Yeah I'm going." I answered and ran on immediately starting the show.

(Here if you want to listen to it, it's actually pretty good)

(I have no idea why it won't let me put the video in but if you want to listen to it, there)

We sang and danced, beautifully in fact. But as I skimmed the audience I saw our ticket to fame get out of her seat to leave.

Silently panicking in my mind I look up to see buster get on his built in Zipline. I thought that was for emergencies..

Pulling myself back to my performance we sang out and finished flawlessly.

I ran off stage to find the other, I didn't , only finding an old lizard at the spot of the zip line beginning.

"Oh! Mrs Crawley! I ran over to her, "the inspector left! Did Buster go after her? Did you hear from him??"

"Oh, no dearie. He went out that way" she slowly pointed to the line I was referring to just seconds ago, being no help.

I sigh and stick on a smile, "uh thanks Mrs. Crawley."

I ran back to check his office, when I peeked around the corner to hear him talking to Nana. Well at least I found him.

"She told me I'm not good enough! Heck. My destiny, all my hopes and dreams, they end right here!"

"Well what did you expect?" Nana folded her fan and put her hand to her head dramatically. "That she would drop to her knees and declare you a genius? Ruler of the red carpet for the great Buster Moon!"

"Oh come on, she ran me off the road into a canal!"

"Well you're still in one piece, aren't you?"


W- well yeah but-"

"Well anyone who sets up for their dreams it's going to have to go through a lot worse than a dip in a canal" she concluded as the door to her office opened revealing her penguin assistant. "Ah Hans, I found him. Bring the car around would you."

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