date pt. 2

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Holy shit! Waffle hoe is updating a fic about a furry instead of doing anything productive? Yes, yes he is.

Buster offered to drive but I don't let him any more after I found out he didn't even have a licence.

After that little disagreement the day was smooth sailing. Buster wanted to let me choose, so I just went with one of my favorite restaurants.

When we pulled up his ears sank. "Oh.."

"What's wrong?" I asked as we both got out.

"Ah. Nothing." He widely smiled and waved his paw.

"...if you say." I raised a cautious eyebrow as we headed in.

Being greeted and taken to our table and sitting down be began to talk. Mostly about how he couldn't pay for this place even though I said I got it. He always attempted to pay for me though I very rarely let him win.

Our talk slowly shifted to Buster telling me he had a quote on quote 'surprise' to tell me.

"Well, spill." I tell him excitedly.

"Well there's a good part and.. a bad part." He told me sheepishly and continued. "Bad part is the shows producers were not looking for the type of show I'm putting on." He took a deep breath and continued.  "Meaning it's cancelled and they're going to travel to a different theater to find something they like more..."

He cleared his throat and peered up at me, for once his emotions weren't completely clear.

"Oh.. I'm sorry Buster." I swallow as a frown pulled down on my lips. "I thought it would've been a great show... What's the good news."

He slowly smiled, "well, in a few months a critic is coming to evaluate a show at our theater. It could give us a opportunity to perform for the Jimmy Crystal's company!"

I gasped in surprise, I was about to talk before he continued. "I'm not sure who all is going to be in the show we would be planning, but I'm sure we can make it, we've come so far! This is my dream!" Is voice picked up more and more excitement as he talked.

I observed his expressions, his pure happiness talking about his dream was all I needed in life.

"Well, count me in." I told him conforming I would join him.

We continued discussing about his ideas for the show he could make, we ordered and ate our food as well.

The squids in the tank occasionally glared at him, but other then that It was a nice date.

I paid just as I said I would and we were off.


"So when are they coming to see the show? The critic?" I backed out of my parking spot, ready to listen to buster while keeping my eyes on the road.

He took out his phone to check, sucking on the inside of his teeth. "About... Five and a half months if all goes according to plan." He peered over to me, I was clearly in thought about the time period. "I know it's a long time but I need you to be patient with me, please."

A red light caught me at the perfect time allowing me to look over to him. I brushed my hand down his arm and spoke through my smile. "Of course, I'd do anything you you, you know that."

He grabbed my hand and placed it on to his own face, "yeah, I do."

I scoffed at how cheesy we were both acting and tilted my head. "You are going to make this perfect."

His grin grew wider, "we are going to make this perfect." He corrected me.

I quickly smushed our faces together in a smiling kiss.

Just as we were about to separate a honk from the car behind us made me jump out of our position faster, startled.

"Oh shit." I started to drive, not noticing that the light had turned green.

After a quick second of silence be both laughed at it and continued on with our drive.


Buster ended up staying at my apartment that night, like I was expecting. Of course I didn't mind, (I also maybe really liked picking out his clothes for him, but hey, he probably only has like 3 outfits of his own so it's justified)

In the morning I hope we talk about the show again, it's all I'm focused on.


Sorry I'm not writing long chapters that much anymore T^T I have too much going on honestly.

I can't wait to insert Y/N into the movie honestly. Ahhh (^^          |    also the first part of that animation is already done and I'm loving it sm (even though it's not amazing 😅)

I'm going to be updating my Leo x reader soon to so if you're interested plz check it out??? You don't even need to watch TMNT to read it either if that sweetens the offer :)))

Hope you enjoyed! See you next update 🌭🤏

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