wedding pt 2

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OK THAT WAS A LONG ENOUGH BREAK. this chap is probably going to be pretty short tho

___setting: day before ceremony/reception in the place you're getting married, like, getting things set up___(also keep in mind that this might not be an accurate wedding bc ✨surprise ✨ I'm not a wedding planner) anyway just enjoy

I busted through the doors (of where the reception would take place) where my family was waiting to surprise me along with all my friends from the show, and Porsha.

I kicked open the door with my foot because I had just picked up the cake just before this. It was so large I could barely hold it.

As I stumbled in I was having trouble holding it any longer. "Ah, help! Someone help me with this ca- woah!" I did get everyone's attention but cut myself off when I noticed it starting to fall out of my hands. "NOO!" I began to yell until I felt the movement stop.

Someone had grabbed the other side and stopped it from tumbling to the ground. "Oh my God, thank you." I sighed to the animal on the other side.

"No problem." I heard a very familiar voice say to me in a chuckl-y voice.

"Babe? When did you get here?" I asked since I knew he had to run errands.

"Not to long ago. Can we set this down?" He said and started lowering it. I did too setting it on the ground.

He went around and gave me a peck on the lips to greet me. Though he wears a tired expression, he's still smiling at me with life in his eyes.

"BUSTERRRR!!!!!" Yet another familiar voice screeched from across the extremely big room.

I saw my sister on the other side of the room sprinting to us all while screaming mine and Buster's name.

"Ah!" Buster let out when she came closer to him and attacked him with a tight hug.

"Ohmygoshohmygosh! This is so happy I couldn't even wait to see you guys an' now after tomorrow I'll even have a new brother!" She rambled and rambled on not letting go of him. I mean she was talking so fast I could barely understand her.

"Tch." I raised my brow and put my hand on my hip. "Wow, the favoritism here is clear. Choosing my husband over me?"

"Nope!" She yelled and gave me a hug too.

"Aw I missed you carrot cake! Have you grown a few inches since I saw you last?" I said just like I did everytime I got to visit her.

"You only saw me a few months ago!" She said laughing.

I started to pick up the cake again. "Oh, silly me." I started and looked to Buster. "Let's get this on the table and cover it up."


We set it onto the table and I finally got to greet my friends and family helping out. "Ma! Dad, I was supposed to see you guys at the hotel later tonight!" I said hugging both of them.

"Yeah well s/n was just too exited to see you so we figured a little surprise trip wouldn't hurt." My dad explained.

Buster came up behind me and greeted them. "-ahem- hello Mr l/n, Mrs l/n. How are you guys doing?"

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