Wedding (kinda) - pt. 1

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Ik the title of this is 'Wedding' but it's really more a transition to the wedding if that makes sense lol


The wedding is in a week.

Basically everything is planned and done. I only had to make some last minute payments and the rest of the clothes for Porsha and I.

"Ah," I sighed and rested my head in my hands.

"Are you sure you can plan the rest on your own? I know I helped a lot but there's no harm in helping more so-" Buster grabbed my shoulders in attempt to give me comfort.

After so long looking at my computer screen, I finally let my eyes move up. Seeing the familiar site of my room again.

"No. I got this. You just check the invitation replies and you're done." I moved his hands off of me and stood up. "I need some air."

I walked out of my room and slipped on some shoes. "Where are you going?" Buster walked out behind me, now standing at the edge of the living room.

"Walk." I simply answered and tossed on a coat and grabbed my keys from the counter.

I started walking to the door when Buster spoke up. "Why are you acting like this?" I couldn't tell if he was angry, sad, confused, or even hurt. All I knew was he was holding something back. Something big.

"What?" I asked back, not turning around to face him.

"Why? Why are you doing this to yourself? To me?" He tried to clarify.

I turned a quarter, just enough to see him. "What are you tal-" he held his hand up to tell me to be quiet.

"Why can't you except my help? Why can't we work together on this?"

I thought I understood what he was saying now and try to reassure him it was fine. "Oh, no, no. It's ok, I have it under control-" I started.

"Yeah, of course you do! Y/n always has everything under control! Right!?" He didn't look at me when he yelled that, but he did for the second part. "This, this is your problem! You 'know best' and you can do it all on your own, right? That's what you think, right?"

I took a moment to try and understand what he was saying, understand why he was so mad. "My problem? I-I m sorry I don't-"

"Y/n." He interrupted.

"Uhm, yeah?" I nervously answered.

He took a breath and noticably calmed down. "Take your walk. Be safe." He said and turned from me, heading back into our room.

I stood there confused for a second before tears brimmed my eyes. I finally got out, shutting the door behind me.

That whole thing just happened so, so fast.

Buster was fine a second ago. What made him just explode like that?

And, was he right? What was he even talking about anyway?

I mean, it's not like there was much more to do..

I took a deep breath of the dry California air and looked up to the sky. I let my tears subside as I began to walk.

I haven't walked in the city for months and months, and especially at night. Normally I'd go for natural walks but the colorful lights of the businesses and buildings give me an equal but opposite feeling.


Heaven knows how long I trailed along those sidewalks. Hours at least, but I did finally make it back home.

I got in just fine, all was quiet and still, almost as if nobody was here. I looked up to the clock hanging in my kitchen to see it was around 11:00.

"Yeah, makes sense that everyone is asleep." I mumble to myself and throw off my jacket and shoes.

I waisted no time getting into my room and throwing off my uncomfortable clothes, only keeping on what I wanted to sleep in. The only light illuminating the room was the lamp on my nightstand.

I went over to the bed, seeing Buster lay facing away from me on the side closest to the wall.

I sat on the bed, he didn't shift any so I asked if he was awake. No response.

Even though I knew he was asleep, I lightly started to talk to him anyway. "I can't wait to see my family again. They're coming down from (idk Alaska or something 🤷 you pick ig) for the wedding in a few days. Staying in a hotel room." Just as I expected, I didn't receive a reply. "When I called my mom the other day carrot cake took over the phone and told me how much she missed you." I gently laughed and looked down to his motionless body. "Buster.. I'm-" I sighed. "I'm sorry. I know I haven't been myself lately. I've been caught up in work and the show.. and I know it's not an excuse and I'm just sorry."

He didn't move. Didn't talk. It's fine, not like I expected him too.

I flicked the light off and laid myself down, staring at the ceiling in the now dark room.

"It's ok." Buster spoke up.

I gasped at his sudden words with a slight jump. I quickly registered the information and realized he was awake.

"And I'm sorry for snapping earlier." He took a deep breath and sighed. "Good night y/n."

I didn't respond, nor did I know if he even wanted a response. I just rolled over facing the other way.

Normally when we went to sleep we would touch each other is some way. Locking knees, spooning, having one's hand over the other, but no. Not tonight.


Sry this is kind of short lol

Also I might take a break from this because it's not getting the amount of comments I want. Thank you if you are reading and commenting tho

See you next update ❤️

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