Sing ~ chapter 15

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I can't believe I'm writing a fanfic about a koala... anyways

It's been about a week and a half since we have gotten together.

I haven't told anyone, not even Ash. I assume Buster hasn't told anyone. Though I wouldn't be surprised if he told Eddie.


I know I'm good, but have you seen these animals!? They're amazing! I'm definitely hoping nobody put money on my name.


"Nope! I can't do this! I'm dying I'm dead im done for!" I breath out in a panic and slam my head down on the desk in my dressing room.

"Darling, I'm sure you'll do splendid. You're so talented." Buster gently rubbed my back and tried to console me.

"Nooo I can'tttTtTttt!" I cried out and sat back up. "What if the judges hate me?"

"Well I know for certain that Nana likes you." He assured me. I slumped down onto him in my seat and nestled into his neck fur. He took a deep breath and held on to me. "Tell you what, if you get out this round you can spend the night over here and I can make you feel better~ ok?"

My body tensed up and I blushed at his words. "Well don't make me want to loose." I spoke into his neck.

He chuckled lightly and spoke once more. "Ok then, how about you stay the night either way, only condition, you need to see how talented and amazing you are." He broke away and held out his paw. "Deal?"

I smiled at him and shook his paw. "Deal."

"Amazing, now go out there and show them you are the best of the best." He told me.

I sighed, a little less scared and gave buster a short and sweet kiss. "Ok babe. Let's go."

And with that we headed out the door and went to the waiting room directly behind the stage and saw all the others.

"Break a leg people!" He yelled in the door way and left us to get himself seated.

"Y/N, over here!" Ash waved me to come sit with her.

I sat and we talked for a bit. We were discussing how cool but scary it was we were performing on live television.

Soon we heard the announcer start off the show, and Meena was up first.

Of course we knew our place in line and I happened to be last. Woo. Which means I get to sit in agony and a puddle of my own stress sweat.

I didn't pay attention to the order of the people being called after that. I was to stuck in my head.

After a long while, I heard it. What I was dreading. My name was called.

I stepped out of the little waiting room and saw the stage lights dimming, queuing me to go up.

I stepped out on to the stage and saw Moon immediately due to him sitting right next to the judges.

"Hello Y/N, time to blow us away." One of three judges spoke, Simon Growl, the scariest dude in the world.

The lights lit up on stage on me, telling me to start.

This round I'm doing light ballet while singing. Hopefully it's enough...

[Putting a spin on riptide - Egg on YouTube]

I start with little spins and jumps to the beginning then change to something that almost looks like interpretive dancing when I sang.

I visually had an effect on the audience but not as noticeably with the Judges.

After I was done they dismissed me so the announcer could speak, then called all of us back to the stage for the elimination of an act.

The judges all explained what they liked and gave criticism on each act.

"And with that being said, the weakest performance of the night and the one leaving the stage and show will be... Rosita and Gunter." Nana announced making them walk of stage.

I sighed in relief it wasn't me but felt bad for them. Hopefully they didn't take it to hard


"WOOO! LETS GOOO!" Ash hollered as we all made our way out of the room with the stage.

"Ugh have some class." Mike rolled his eyes.

"Aww shut it dude we all just made it to second round!" Holli put her hands in the air.

"I'm surprised some of you are even here to begin with." He told them with disgust.

"Who the hell pissed in your cereal this morning?" I muttered out, clearly not quiet enough considering everyone heard me.

Johnny, Ash, and Holli bursted out in laughter as Meena and Blaze Blaze lightly giggle.

"Oh sorry honey. didn't mean to bother you." I waved his paw in the air.

I looked at him in disgust and rolled my eyes. I headed out to the lobby where buster was waiting for me.

I looked behind me and all around me to see if there was anybody I know around and when I didn't see one I ran up to Buster full speed.

I caught me in a hug and spun me around. "You were so amazing! I knew you could do it!"

"Oh my gosh a can't believe it! Ahh this is so exciting! Iloveyouiloveyouiloveyou!" I yelled before grabbing the collar of his shirt and pulling him in to a strong yet sweet kiss.

We hugged once more before I heard a voice behind me.

"Oh woah-"


Helppp I can't stop writing 👹👺

Anyway hi and see you next update my lovelies ♡ I'm going to go eat cereal now bye

Tiktok: @sir.daddy.bean

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