piano ~ chap 9

639 12 12

"Oh crap-"

I grabbed my keys along with my satchel and ran to my car.

I made it to the theater in time and entered. Well no mike this time so that's good.

I make my way up the stairs to Moon's office for the piano, when I get there nobody was waiting for me. Well I still need to practice in the meantime...

I sit down on the cushioned bench and gently slide my fingers along the beautiful keys.

The only song you actually knew from your selection was 'Never getting rid of me' so you decide to do that.

( [instrumental] Putting a spin on never getting rid of me - egg on yt)

It kinda sounded bland without the lyrics to complement it but it didn't really matter to me.

My fingers danced gracefully along the white keys and my eyes shut to focus on the sound.

I was so a piece with the instrument that it felt like my heart beat lined up with the music.

My back arced getting into it while my head swayed ever so slightly.

Just as I was about to leave the world behind a loud voice interrupted me. "Oh wow!" I slammed my hands down on the piano in shock causing a hideous jumbled sound to spill into the air.

I turned to see a old lizard coming through the doorway and a koala chasing after her.

"Oh Mrs. Crawley! You scared the sh- crap out of me!" I breath out and hold my chest.

"Sorry honey, I didn't know you were so good at that... probably better than Johnny."

"Aw wow, don't know about that..." I look down at a very tired buster panting for air. "Hey there buster, how are you?"

He looked at me with a small smile, "...tired"

I laughed at his one worded answer. "Well I suppose that's right, this is your first show after the rebuild?"

He nodded and sat on the opposite side of the bench from me, "yep! Sure is."

I looked back down at my resting hands, "so do you have something like sheet music or what?"

"Oh not exactly." Be pulled out his phone and set it on the music desk with an app pulled up.

"Type your song in the search and it will basically teach you how to play." He told me.

I did and it worked, I practiced while he worked on other stuff at his desk for the majority of the time.

While nearing the end I got really frustrated at this little part I just couldn't get.

"UHG!" I tried again.

"Damn.." and again

"Dang it-" and again...

I slammed my head down on the keys in frustration making buster jump and peer over at me.

"Everything ok Y/N?" He asked concerned.

"nNnooOo0OoooOOoO my head hurts, my fingers are burning and this part is so hard" I complained not raising my head from the keys.

"Well you've been at that for a while, how about a break? Some water?" He offered and stood up coming to me.

I sighed and stretched to pop my back "sure..." I told him before standing up.

He led me out to the hallway and back to room. "Come in," he said entering it and flicking on a light.

I look around to see a room with a bed and nightstand on the right side and a mini fridge and dresser on the left.

"Is this... your room?" I questioned as he walked over to the mini fridge and pulled out a water bottle.

"Yes sir." He said jokingly and turned to me still in the doorway. "Well are you coming? I don't bite."

I chuckle and head to him so he could hand me the water.

I mean I wouldn't care if he bit me

wait what the hell- you can't just think that about people Y/N. Dumbass.

"Woo hoo Hello? You ok there?" Buster was waving his paw in my face.

"Oh yes Mr. Moon!" I jumped out of my thoughts then he gave me a look. ".. I mean Buster!"

He glared at me for a sec then broke down in laughter. "Haha," he walked over and sat on the bed. "Y/N come" he waved me over to go sit with him.


I literally JUST watched sing 2 for the first time so I just want to tell you whatever doesn't line up ignore please

Bye now :>

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