love like no other ~ chapter 16

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Little content warning, thing do get a tad spicy in this chapter but not smut or anything. I'd say maybe 13+? Idk If you are not a fan of that I'll put this: '⚠️' right before it is about to start and you can skip :)

also Just so you know it's like seven in the afternoon rn in the story so yee

I also have a sneaking suspicion that some of you guys are rereading this chapter 👀

We hugged once more before I heard someone behind me

"Oh woah-"

"What the-" I turned around to see a wide eye Ash with her jaw to the ground. "Oh crap..." I whispered as she gasped.

"HA! I KNEW IT! TAKE THAT L/N" she yelled and pointed at me.

"W- wha-" I said completely flabbergasted.

"I KNEW YOU HAD THE HOTS FOR MOON SINCE DAY ONE!" she smiled in victory.

My face went red in embarrassment, "Ash!"

"Aw you did?" Buster lovingly asked still holding my sides.

"Uh- tch- well yeah but-"

"Mmhmmm~" Ash hummed and giggled at me.

"Oh my god what do you waaaaant!?" A asked begging to end this conversation.

Me and buster let go of each other and I stepped away for a sec to talk to her, which he understood.

"Well I came out here to ask you if you wanted to hang out with all of us for a celebratory dinner at the diner tonight." She told me crossing her arms and smiling.

"Oh.. uh sorry I can't I'll be busy with Buster tonight."

"Oh busy." She grinned and wiggled her eyebrows.

My face was probably looking like a tomato at that point. "Ok I'm done. Bye Ash." I started to speed walk away.

"O- oh! Alright see you later!" She called out and headed back to the room for the others.

I ran up to Buster. "Ready to head up?" He asked grabbing my hand.

"Heh yep." I smiled at him warmly and we made our way upstairs, passed the offices, and into his room.

"So what did you want to do...?" I asked him shutting the door and locking it behind me.

"a lot." He said, taking of his suit jacket and bowtie.

I looked at him skeptically, "what do you mean by that?"

"You'll see," he smiled and turned to me. "You hungry? Thirsty? Anything?" He asked heading over to his fridge and pulling out a water for himself.

"Extremely thirsty. Pass me some of that." I walked over to him. He handed me the water and I quickly took some gulps.

I gave it back and headed to the bed to sit down and take my shoes off. Moon did the same.

Buster moon x Masc ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now