A Night to remember ~ chap 12

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I woke up just the same as any other day.

But perked up when I remembered I would be hanging out with buster. I hopped up got in the shower and sang happily.

I did my normal daily things, I went on a group call with Ash and Johnny, got done some work, even cleaned a bit.

I was humming to myself working on a commission when my phone buzzed. That's when I realized the day had already passed by.

I picked up my phone to see and just as I expected it was a text from Buster.


Buster♡- hey I'm ready tou can come whenever you want

Me- alrighty I'll ne there in a few

Buster♡- see you then

<end text>

I got myself dressed up nice and went to the theater to pick him up.

I texted him that I was here and he came out and got into my car.

"Well Hello, you're looking quite nice if I do say so myself." He opened the door and eyed me.

He got in the car showing his suit "You're not looking so bad yourself Moon."

He chuckled and asked if I knew the way. I said no obviously so he put in Google maps.


When we made it it was like a bar and restaurant with performers on a cute little stage in the front.

We went to the front desk and they gave us a booth. "So what made you choose this place?" I asked still taking in my surroundings.

"Uh well I just like it. One of my favorite places to socialize too. Usually I get drinks at the bar but we can do that after the meal if you want." He got my attention and smiled.

I couldn't help but notice how this whole thing reminded me of a date. So I just kinda... pretended it was one. No harm in that.

"Hello guys, can I get you started with any drinks if appetizers tonight?"

I look over to see a goat waiting us. Buster ordered his drink before I could even say anything then the waitress looked at me.

"Oh- just a water. Please."

"Alrighty I'll have those out to you in no time. If y'all need anything you just give us a holler ok?" And with that she left.

"Aw just water? Saving the drinks for later?" Buster asked through a smile.

"Eh I get drunk super fast. Plus I haven't eaten much yet today so that definitely doesn't help." I excuse. "But it's fine. When I'm done with my food I look forward to some fun." I laughed as the waitress brought my water.

After that we looked to our menu's and ordered. Buster got a vegetarian sandwich and I got carrot cream soup.

We have conversations and finish our food, when it's time to pay I pull out my wallet. "Oh don't worry, I got it." Buster told me.

Buster moon x Masc ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now