yay thrown off a roof 💅✨

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"Honestly, this is going to be the best show I have ever made." Buster tood behind Clay, who was putting a 'beware electric fence' sign in the dirt. "A- and when you see the sets--"

"Turn on that tap for me." Clay interrupted him.

"Tap? Uh, sure." He agreed running over to it.

"So anyway," he began before realizing why Clay wanted the water on. "Pointing the hose at Buster, he used the water pressure to knock him down.

Calloway let out a hardy laugh, "oopsie daisy."

Ash handed him a cup of tea as I shifted to Ash's side. "Hon! You ok?" I yell out to where he had fallen.

"I'm ok!" He hollered back after a second.

Ash held the cup up for Clay to grab. "It's tea. You drink it."

A now soaking wet Buster came up behind us. "I promise, this is going to be the most wonderful, I mean, fantastic show ever." He was still fixed on getting Clay in.

Clay took a sip of tea and flinched "did you put honey in this?" He asked looking into the mug, ignoring Buster.

"And at the ending? Oh boy.." Buster continued rambling about the show. "I mean, it's gonna end with you, and your song--"

Clay angrily bent down inches away from Buster's face, letting out a low growl.

"You don't want to do the show." Buster backed up.

"Besides." He stood up straight once again. "Lost my singing voice... So."

"Your voice sounds fine to me." Ash stated stirring her tea.

I took a deep breath and walked forward. "This.. this is all because you lost your wife, isn't it..?"

"Ok, bunny. We're not talking about my Ruby."

I walked up behind him, ash following me. "Look, I know she inspired so many of your songs."

"ALL of my songs." He corrected.

"Right. I.. I can't begin to imagine what it must be like to loose someone so special, but do you think this is what Ruby would have wanted for you..? I mean, you, out here. All along. And, never singing again?"

He didn't turn to face me, only stuttering out "no, you don't understand. There's no rock star living here anymore."

Ash brushed past me giving her own input. "Clay, you just need to play again. Your songs will bring you back. You can. You can reconnect with--"

"No, I can't! I haven't even heard one of my songs in over 15 years. And for good reason." He shakingly dropped the garden hose in his hand taking a deep breath. "Ruby.. was everything." He got ready to walk away before pouring out the contents of his mug. "And I don't like honey in my tea."

Buster sighed waking up to us. "He's not gonna change his mind."

"He will." Ash had her eyes following him as he walked away. "But you guys should go back."

Buster moon x Masc ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now