... question I've always wanted to ask...

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Eshaal's pov

As I entered the house, I quickly went to my room and wrapped my body in a towel, knowing I was a little bit drenched, when i was feeling a little warm, I stood up and made tea for myself...I suddenly felt really warm.

AHH...tea of life, I raised my tea up and cheered myself.

Suddenly my phone buzzed, it was a text message from my mom

*Habibi, I'm sorry, I won't be able to make it back home, cause of the rain and I'll be working overtime anyway, so pls take care of the house, cook whatever you want for yourself. I love you😘❤️.

I sighed and texted back.

*Ok mom, thank you...I love you.💜

Mum was really trying a lot. Since my Dad went away...and no he did not pass away, he is still very much alive...I hope. He is somewhere going about with his cheating face and his girlfriend...they are probably married now, I mean he did say it before leaving. I was just fourteen then.


"Daddy look at what I can do",his attention was now on me. I did a backflip and landed on my feet with a defence pose, I then looked at my Dad and smiled but all he did was give a fake smile and walked away. I noticed the way he's always just ignored me and mom for the past year now

When he comes home all he ever did to mum was shout at her, complaining of one thing or the other.

In the middle of the night I felt pretty thirsty, and reached for my bottle water I always kept on my bedside table before I slept and I opened it to drink but it was empty,

ugh I forgot to refill it,

I got down from the bed, to go refill it.

As I tiptoed to the kitchen, I heard a noise, I quickly went on defense mode...the noise...it's coming from the living room.

I tiptoed to the living room and saw my dad sleeping on the couch.

Why was he here sleeping in the living room?. I wondered.

I didn't want to disturb him. So, I did my business and decided to talk to him about it later. I filled my water and went back to sleep.

Next-day when I came back from school, I went to my parents room to go greet my mom, since my dad will still be at work by this time of day.

But I heard my Dad and I was excited, of course, but then I realized they were arguing,

They never argued like this before.

I stood by the door and listened to what they were saying.

"You are such a lier, a cheat, you are everything bad, you idiot". My mom spat out angrily.

"You better shut your mouth you damn woman".

"Why should I shut my mouth, how long has this been going on?!". My mom sniffed, it sounded like she was about to cry

"None of your business"

"Get out",I could hear my mom said calmly at first.

"What!"my dad responded.

"I said to get out", my mom screamed.

"Of my own home?".

"Not your house anymore", she angrily said,"Don't make me call your mother".

I heard shuffling before my dad said,"I'm going to marry her"

"Then you f*cking get out", my mom never used profanity, in fact they warned me against it. I heard footsteps to the door and I quickly ran to the living room.

"I saw my dad come out", he just looked at me then averted his gaze and went out.

My mom came out and since it was obvious She was crying, I asked her why she was crying, she told me,"Crying?, But these are tears of joy".

"but were is dad going", of course I knew were he was going, cause I heard everything but I wanted to know if she would tell me the truth.

"Your dad just got a good job in another country, he won't be coming back after sometime", I just nodded.

When I turned sixteen I asked my mom if I should start a job,

But all she said was, "just focus on your studies for now, after sometime you can think about that",I nodded and went back to my room, sat on my bed and sighed, I then decided when I turned eighteen, I will definitely look for a job. How much dad changed our lives, I didn't want to even think about him but I still thought about the good memories with him.


I sighed as I entered my room door and bounced on my bed, a tear escaped my eyes,"just one more year to go", I mummured as I slept off.

Zachariah's POV

I got inside drenched in the rain, what can you expect, I rode a f*cking motorcycle in the rain...I pulled the wet clothes removed my glasses, contacts and had a warm bath, coming out with a towel wrapped around my waist, as i walked through the mirror, I looked at my self, my black hair and grey eyes(which were really common in our family,grey eyes and green eyes), I looked exactly like my dad, the only difference was the long hair all guys kept in the family as a tradition, but I had cut mine off, so it will be short, cause I didn't want to be like him...I couldn't even call him my dad...when last did I visit his grave?, He deserved it, he killed people for God's sake all in the name of business, to keep his fucking name.

Aaarrrrggghhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!, I screamed at my reflection, there wasn't need for me to hide my screams of sorrow, the bathroom was sound proof. So I just let it all out.

I wore my contacts back, and put on some clothes. Before I went out of the bathroom.

"Shit...mom, you scared me", I clutched my chest for the second time today, I then remembered her...

"Salamualaykum to you, my dear son", she looked at me sarcastically.

"Wa'alaykumsalam mom", this greetings were actually because me and my mom were alone, on a normal day with the rest of the family, it will just be a good morning, mum doesn't even were a hijab and we even prayed secretly, cause the others finding out will not be good...not that they weren't nice to us I mean my uncle and aunt are the nicest to us for some reason, probably cause we are family, but one of the rules is not to have some thing disturbing the family business, and Islam is exactly that. Though I haven't dived deep into Islam, all I know is it's a...a religion of peace and that's the exactly opposite.

"So, how are you",she slumped on my bed.

"Good as always".

"Are you sure", she asked curious.

"Yh of course", I said non-chalantly

"You are still wearing those contacts aren't you",I stopped on my tracks,"when will you learn to embrace who you are, you are a van shov for God's sake."

"Mom I've told you that's my decision to make, I'm 19 for Goodness sake, it's my decision to make", I barked, I saw my mom flinch a little.

"Mom, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said what I..."

"It's ok", she smiled. I walked to were she was sitting and hugged her. I thought of the question I've always wanted to ask her, I mean I was old enough to know now.


Hey loves, another update here, pls don't forget to vote, comment, and share.


Yours truly yussybabe01🥰

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