...tables turned...

104 13 71

Third person POV

He immediately sat down on the empty chair placed at the front of the f*cker.

"So, Sabotage and betrayal?",He asked simply smirking. Casey immediately bowed his head,

Good, at least he knew his place. Allen thought

"Umm, I don't know what you're talking about big boss". Casey says in fear, of what Allen would do next. How did he find out?, They said they'll protect me?, Was all he could think about.

Allen laughed maniacally, and then stood up."you know those two words I mentioned earlier, are so simple to say yet they hold such immense meaning to it", he said hovering around Casey,"Don't you think?", He said as he stopped and bent to face Casey eye to eye.

Casey doesn't respond and just sits there, still wondering were it all went wrong.


There was a sound slap, it took time for Casey to realise that he was the victim of the slap, when his cheek started to sting...horribly... and he realised his head swung to the side. He would have probably landed on the floor with the pressure of the slap if not because he was being tied up on a chair that's pinned to the ground.

He massaged his cheeks by opening his mouth wide and shaking his head."Answer me!, I don't think you realise who you are talking to",Allen said tilting his head.

Immediately Casey lost it,"They will find me...just wait and see", Casey said while a smirk was dancing on Allen's lips,

"and how would they find you?", He asks still amused at the idiot's new found confidence.

"They're probably already looking for me", Casey said, as the fact that it was Allen the big boss, no one has laid their eyes on, he was talking to started to slip off his mind.

The smirk on Allen's face immediately wiped off,"check for any device on his body".

"Yes sir",Dimitri immediately steps forward and brings out some gadget that beeps when any device is found on or in the human body. The device beeps at the ear area,"sir Its at the back of his ear".

Suddenly the smirk on Allen's face bounces back...this would be fun!...he thinks to himself,"take it out", he commands.

"Yes boss", Dimitri responds immediately removing his pocket knife out. Casey seeing the knife he suddenly regrets why he said that.

Dimitri immediately stabs the back of Casey's ear with a pocket knife.

Casey screams. And the pleasure in seeing the pain in Casey screaming makes Allen to grin maniacally.

"Dimitri, slowly, don't let it hurt our guest",he say mockingly. Dimitri responds.

"Yes boss", and continued the process of digging deeper into the area slowly and they yanks the tiny device out to which it falls on the floor, Casey strangled screams are just ended as he gasps for air, wondering if his hearing is gone as he can only hear sirens and he blinks out the tears.

Allen immediately goes and picks up the device and starts laughing...that laugh that makes Casey shiver in fear. "You're so dumb! Do you think I would just allow you in the here, without caution".

"You traveled In a Faraday box and now you are in a Faraday chamber", he said and started laughing again.

"Now tell me, who you are working for", he said more as a command than a question."cause once I bring out my trusty friend there is no going back".

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