Honeymoon 12#

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Eshaal went back into the room. She didn't think the message meant anything.

Probably just a phone prank or something. She thought and waved it off.

"Aren't you going to pray?", She asked Allen who was sitting on the bed staring on his phone.

His head whipped up as he said,"umm yh. I'll pray when you're done".

"Let's just pray together like we did this morning", She told him.

Yes. Allen had no choice but to pray with her this morning. He didn't want to say no. At this point he knew he was deceiving her. He felt bad about it.

But he won't say he regretted bowing to his lord again. The familiar feeling he used to have back then came back. He felt a little emotional too as he unknowingly poured his heart out in those short two rakats of fajr(morning prayers).

He did his salams and the only things he thought of was how he didn't deserve to feel peace after all he had done, with the way he looked like.

He seemed to forget he's not the judge of that and it's in the hands of Allah(swt).

He still blames himself for his situation when it's not his fault. The cause of his scars and tattoos had only one person at fault, and it was NOT himself.

"Nah, do it alone. If we pray together it might strengthen our non-existent bond and we don't want that.", He simply stated as he looked back to his phone.

Eshaal didn't know why but as he said that her heart made a loud thump sound for a second there. She breathed in and then out before speaking,"you're right". She simply said and made her prayer.


Eshaal woke up in the middle of the night as she was thirst and saw she was the only one occupying the whole bed with her body. She wondered were Allen was. She poured herself a glass of water which was on the bed side table and drank it whole. She looked around the room with sleepy eyes, curious.

He wasn't in the bathroom.

She stood up and took light-steps to the living room. The room light was a little dim compared to the bed room she was in. She started to hear some shuffles.

Shoot! did I chase him off with my bed ninja moves?. She looked over the sofa and found him sweating and shaking.

He was hyperventilating!

She walked around the Sofa and tried to wake him up when he started mumbling words she couldn't understand.

"What are you saying?", She didn't even know if she was talking to him or herself at this point. She was panicking herself. "Allen, Allen!..", She called out to him. He still didn't respond. She finally decided to shake him.

He was hot... not in that sense. He was literally freaking hot.

She tried shaking him still calling out his name."Allen! Wake up!".

His eyes immediately opened up as he took a deep inhale. Those piercing brown doll eyes looking back at him worriedly. It felt like deja Vu. That dream he had. She was the one. They were the same eyes and the same person. He then remembered when she went into the closet and couldn't find her again.

He immediately shot up giving her a hug. He didn't know why but he felt the need to do it. She didn't know what to do, she was new at this. She hugs her mom and her BSFs who are female but never the male species.

It can't be that hard right?.

She slowly placed both palms on his broad back and gave him light pats."It's ok. It's ok", she cooed.

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