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Suddenly, I felt pressed,"Could you guys excuse me I need to go to the bathroom".

They all nodded, so I proceeded, immediately I got to the bathroom I did my business, after I was done I washed my hands as I looked into the mirror.

I was a mess.

I didn't realize I was crying.

Why did he have to come into my life again?! I cleaned myself up and headed to the kitchen to have some water.

I poured myself a glass and gulped it down.

"Don't choke", I heard a raspy voice.

I looked to the source coming from the kitchen entrance, Xander leaned and rested his shoulder, folding his arms at the entrance.

"What do you want?", I asked furious already fisting the cup, if it was alive it would have probably been strangled and died.

"Hey, take it easy on the cup", he gave his sleezy remark.

"Will you go back to the living room," I bursted.

"What's with the bad blood, chica, take it easy", he said and started taking slow steps at me. He used to call me 'chica' back in highschool

"D...Don't come any closer", I supposedly warned but it came off as a stutter.

Ugh! I mentally face-palmed myself.

I kept taking steps back but the counter stopped me from going any further.

Great! Just great!.

He then cornered me,"I'm going to make sure your life is a living hell, if you marry into this family and even if you don't...chica", he whispered into my ears, his voice low.

"I...I'm not sc...scared of you", I stuttered again, stop stuttering.

He just chuckled saying,"you cover your hair now, too bad I actually loved your hair", he then raised his hands to almost touch my cheek, when I used that to escape from him, I didn't even know I was running to the living room.

Why did dad and mom think it was a good idea to make the living room the other side of the house?!. I never even noticed this till now.

I tried to hold my breath when I got there, but the sweat in the conditioned area gave me off. I entered the living room and I saw only Humza,"were are the rest?".

"They decided to have lunch outside, so we can get to know each other properly", he said smiling. Gosh he's so sweet, unlike his younger brother.

"Oh ok", I said and sat down.

"Are you ok?", He ask looking genuinely concerned.

"Yh, I am", i reached for my... Apparently not existent bag.

Why did I have to leave my bag on the counter?!

"Ummm, I'm sorry for zoning off", I said apologizing.

There was silence for a while I could see he was struggling to start a conversation as he kept opening and closing his mouth, even I was struggling.

What should I say?.

Aha!,"umm, when did you revert?", I asked and then he smiled.

"Last three years on October 17", he then paused smiling, and then looked at me,"that was when I took my shahada".

"Wow, its amazing how you remember the date",I remarked while he chuckled,"umm, if you don't mind me asking, what about your parents and uhhh...brother and what made you change?", I asked, I loved hearing reverting stories.

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