...I'm confused...

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"that is beyond expensive girl!", Sophia exclamated while I and my hummy's mouth were still agape.

Wow, this guy isn't just filthy rich, he must be stupid rich!.

Girl, were is the ring?!, We can't loose it if it's that expensive. Posi prompted.

"Hummy, were is the ring?!", I asked already panicking.

She started to search her body,"uh oh", she also panicked.

We searched everywhere!

I mean every-freaking-where!

Under the bed...nothing!

Under/on the bed sheets...nothing!

Under the tables...nothing!

In the bathroom...nothing!!!!!!

we couldn't find it,"so much for being care-ful",I said sarcasm dropping from every word, as I faced my hummy.

"I'm so sorry", she apologized,"I didn't know how it...". She started to sob when Sophia interrupted...

"Found it!", She then grabbed it from the BED SIDE TABLE!!!.

I guess you didn't check every-freaking where. Posi said sarcastically.

I just rolled my eyes.

I immediately turned it into a necklace, when Sophie asked.

"Just put it on your finger", she said with a scrutinizing gaze.

"Uhhhh, no, I still wanna feel single for a little while",I said pouting, while they both awwwned.

"Who knew Esh would be the one to get married first",Hummy said smiling cheekily at me.

"I know right 'Mrs I hate men'",Sophia supported, she then layed down with her two elbows supporting her, now wiggling her eyebrows at me,"so who is the unlucky foolishly rich guy", she teased, and suddenly my hummy also seemed interested.

I rolled my eyes. I don't 'hate' men...I just umm...I don't know...men are just argghghhggg

Oh Allah, if my eyes fall out today I won't be suprised.

"You'll see him at the wedding", I said looking away.

"Ugh but the wedding might take sooooo f*cking long", she said whining like a baby.

"Oh I didn't tell you guys, its Wednesday, this Wednesday",I said wondering,'didnt I tell them?'.

They both screamed surprisingly,"THIS WEDNESDAY!!!".

"Yeeeaaahhh...",I said slowly.

"But you haven't even picked out a dress and...",


'Ma Aurora', showed on the screen.

I immediately signaled my friends to 'shut up'.

"Salamualaykum mum!", I said making my voice sound as excited as possible.

"Walaykumsalam dear", she responded,"I was right, you guys must be really smittened with each other, for you to decide this Wednesday!",she said excitedly.

I just giggled, and then asked worriedly,"is it too close, we could shift I...".

"No, no, no, its just right",she interrupted,"I can get the preparations done in no time, and I'll send you some dresses, you'll pick whichever you want my dear",I half expected her to say it was too close but this woman was filled with surprises, it's no wonder we get along.

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