...Masked skyscraper...

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Eshaals POV.

"Yes mom, I would go for it", I said while she squealed on the other end of the phone.

"Oh, thank you for giving this a chance, my dear, you don't know how much happy you've made me".

I just smiled...not that she could see me but*shrugg*...

She then asked,"when will you be available, dear".She asked.

"Maybe Saturday, mom".

"Ok, perfect!". She said. "I'll inform him too, bye dear",she said then hung up.

My mum sitting on a chair across from mine in the dinning, just kept smiling...creepily...,"are you okay, mom".

"I'm fine, I'm perfectly fine, I'm just glad to see that it's not only me that thinks you should settle down, even that woman says so", she said while I sigh.

"Yh, yh, I know".

"So what are you going to wear?", She beamed.

"I'll pick something from my collecti...".

"Non sense, habibti, get out of your shell, all your wardrobe is full of your collection of clothing line, go choose something from the mall or something ok?".

"Mom but that's just stress".

"No, it's not, I'll call Humaira, and you guys will go together and you can probably take Sophia with you tomorrow".

Since she insisted, I couldn't argue anymore, "ok, fine mom". I raised my hands up in surrender.

"Good!, Can't wait to see the dress you'll pick", she beamed.

Next day.

My hummy and I arrived at the mall, Sophia didn't come with us, as she said she had to rest, because of yesterday, gosh I started to feel bad making my friend work so much she couldn't have fun with us, but she said it was alright so now we're here...but I still decided to give her a raise.

We were going through some clothe when my eyes caught one of all the million dresses in here, it was green with sparkles all around it, long sleeved with an A- cut flowing dress from top to bottom, it was beautiful I was awe-strucked by it.

Green was my third favourite colour, and I wasn't even a fan of sparkles but this was just amazing, "what are you looking at?", My hummy said breathing over my shoulders?.

"I'm looking at this incredible pieces of fabric pit together to make a lovely dress", I said still star stricken, admiring the dress.

Pick it up!. Posi said.

I was about picking the dress up when,

"I'll take that", a very thick voice said in a British accent, and immediately the female which I assume is a worker here cause she wearing the same uniform the cashier was wearing, immediately grabbed the DRESS!.

They were already walking away when I asked,"umm, excuse me!", I called walking towards them with my gummy by my side to which she immediately turned with the guy wearing all black, with a black nose mask and black face cap next to her.

Who did this guy think he was some guy stalking a girl in a Korean movie!. Negi said frustrated

"Yes ma'am?", she beamed smiling while I smiled back...I wasn't rude not to return the smile back...

"That dress, I wanted to get it and as you can see it's the only one of its kind so...", I said smiling.

"Oh, I'm so sorry ma'am but this man wanted to have it", she said while I looked at the tall figure who was staring right at me.

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