...why I left...

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I went to go do my business in the bathroom, which was seemingly bright as there were 3 ceiling windows bringing in natural light.

I was happy and also creeped out, creeped out meaning, they were there while I took my shower last night, what if creepers were watching me.

A shiver went down my spine at the thought.

I also thought there was a second floor, maybe it's on another side of the house, or simply the structure of the building.

After all that, I simply wore a white t-shirt saying 'pretty dangerous' on it all colored red...I designed it myself by the way, its MMD... skinny jeans...that I wasn't comfortable wearing cause even it was branded, but hey all the clothes in my 'new wardrobe' are branded.., and wore a cream hijab on it, draping a knee reach, rainbow colored coat on it cause it's cold out, and when I say rainbow, I mean all the colours of the rainbow are present on it. Also my designs, MMD.

ugh, You and your crazy ideas.

It's never going to stop, posi.

I wore high heeled, cream, ankle boot and put on clear lip gloss and voila!

I was looking down at the see through glass on the counter wondering if I should wear a ring on my finger, cause I looked at my finger and it looked empty.

As a married woman you should at least have a ring on your finger, even if it's fake. Posi said

Exactly, besides look at all these options.

Negiii, I faced palmed myself.

And this is why I'm her favourite.

When was that ever establi-

Will you guys not mess my mind up!.

We are your mind, dude.

I just blocked both negi and posi out and picked up the red subtle yet scary ring.

You will alway be my favourite. I kissed it and slipped it on. I grabbed my phone and any bag from the closet.

"I'm only using you for some time okay". I said talking to the bag.

Ok, it's official, you've gone coo coo bashoo

I'm looking good as cake, i blow myself a kiss in the mirror and head out, once I got downstairs, I don't see Drama guy, so I assume he is outside waiting for me, so I use this opportunity to quickly go talk to Fatima.

I get to the kitchen to see her cooking, with two other females wearing a black and white gown,"umm, Fatima", I call out to her.

She quickly drops whatever she's doing down and rushes over to me,"yes ma'am".

"Uhhh", gosh, this was uncomfortable, I shouldn't have come."I'm so very sorry to bother you but I wanted to inform you about me leaving the house to go shopping". I quickly say.

"Oh it's ok ma'am".

"I also want to go back home to get some of my clothes there too".

"Is there anyone wrong with this ones ma'am, Madame said I should make sure they are all brands and some from MMD, did I make a mistake", she looked really scared cause her smile droped for once.

"No, it the brands that are a little bit uncomfortable for me to wear, wait- did you say Madame", I asked eyebrows raised.

"Yes ma'am, master's mom", she confirmed.

"Oh, I'll talk to her myself and don't worry you didn't make any mistake, you taste in dresses are exotic", I winked at her.

And she let out a sigh of relief before putting that lovely smile on her face,"thank you ma'am, and also you brought a box of chocolates ma'am they are in the fridge".she said pointing to the enormous fridge.

Complicated [Mafia Hijabi Story]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang