...Bismillah, Oh Allah give me sabr...

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"sometimes the adviser doesn't take his/her own pieces of advice"                   

"you haven't gone for your initiation, have you?".He asked looking at me, dead serious!...he looked scary.

"I.. I haven't sir", I said with my head down.

"You know, I take you like my own son right?"

"Yes sir"

"Good...In that case you are going to Russia tomorrow". Everyone's head snapped up to him. Tomorrow?

"Sir, but I...", He raised his hands up stopping me from talking, he left no room for discussion, that was the end of it... He got up, walking away with his stick and wife to support him.

My mom told Aleksandr and I to go to bed, Aleksandr walked past me and smirked,"see you later, looser".

I didn't respond, I was too busy thinking about why he could not simply choose his son. I matched back to my room with my mom behind me.

"Mom, what are we going to do?, what if he gives me the underground business?, what if...", I panicked.

"It's alright my son, calm down",she put her hand on my shoulder, calming me.", He might actually not choose you, you know?.

"What?, Mom, what are you saying, he migh.."

"He will only choose the one who is capable of the position", she removed her hands from my shoulder and started to walk away, before she stepped out of my door she said,"think about it". And left.

What in the hell did my mom mean?.

The next day, I woke up with dark circles I couldn't sleep, all what going to happen, just kept coming to my head, and what my mom meant, I had already  packed my clothe in a suitcase, so the next thing was for me to get prepare, I sighed.

After everything I headed downstairs for breakfast, we were all eating, when my uncle asked me, "are you ready?".

"Yh, I am. I just need to get my suitcase",I said flatly munching on my sandwich.

"Suitcase?" He laughed then I looked at him in confusion."you don't need that son, new clothes will be ready once we get to the mansion in russia.", Sometimes I forget how rich our family is.

We got into our private jet and headed Russia, and for the first time in my life I started with Bismillah.

Eshaal POV

After Aleks dropped me home, i walked up to the kitchen and got myself a what i call tea of life and sandwich Al a Eshaal...imagine it in a French accent...and when I was finally satisfied with my masterpiece, I made my way to my room feeling proud of myself like I've done the most important thing known to mankind.

I got into my room shutting the door and the next thing I heard was my mom,"Salam alaykum, habibti", If I should say I didn't spill a drop of my tea it will be a very big lie...

"Mom!, I spilled like half of my tea away..."I put my food on the table beside my bed giving it an air kiss and then turned to my mom with my hands holding my waist," do you know that tea could wake up a human soul from a depressed and tired state, I have mixed it and concocted it in a way of perfection putting in key ingred...".

"Won't you answer my salam",my mum interrupted.

"Oh of course mum",I hit my head in annoyance with myself,"walaykumsalam mom", wait.... my mum is here in the afternoon when I got back that was a huge suprise...and it just dawned on me, how could I be so distracted. I immediately went and hugged my mom.

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