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Quick Transmigration:- Side Character's Plight

Estella could feel the vitality of her body deplete. She knew that her life was going to end today.

All her life she used her skills, keeping in mind, the best intrest of the organization. The very same one which has forsaken her.

She had predicted this fate, before she even joined the organization. Then why did she choose to join that group anyway? One could question her.

She would laugh and say 'because it's fun'. She was someone who was not attached to anything in her life. She understood that human life is very short lived.

When nothing in this world is permanent. What is the point of putting too much importance to anything? So she found people's, obsession with their life, quite funny.

Estella felt her breathing become lighter. Her own body felt increasingly heavy to her at this point. 'So this is what death feels like, how truly pitiful am I' she thought to her self sad-ironically.

Just as she was bracing for the upcoming death, she heard a mechanical voice.

Mech voice:- Hello Estella this is system 1580. Would you like to bind with me and travel through different worlds?

She was surprised, to hear those words. Was this the legendary system she read about in the novels?

Estella:- what do you mean by, 'travel through different worlds'?

1580:- it means exactly what it sounds like.

Estella:- what am I supposed to do in those worlds? You aren't possibly taking me there for vacations right??

1580:- of course not. You will travel through different worlds, to appease the grievances of the side characters. By fulfilling their last wishes.

Est:- side characters? You mean the worlds that you are talking about belong to novels?

1580:- right.

Est:- how does this whole thing work.

1580:- there are characters who have suffered without much of their mistakes, and become a stepping stone for the protagonists. They bore immense resentment, and sacrificed their souls. To let task takers live their life on their behalf and make-up for their regrets.

Est:- why can't they ask for a chance to live their own life once again?

1580:- the world settings in these novels doesn't allow the side characters to win over the protagonists. No matter how strong they are. That is when a third party, called the task takers are involved.

Est:- this is what you want me to be? A task taker?

1580:- yes.

Est:- all of this, sounds very nice and moralistic. But what would I get from doing all of this?

1580 never felt more indigent, what does this psychopathic woman want? In the history of accepting task takers, this was probably the first time a system had to convince the host to accept it.

Having acquired, a conscious in a very short time. 1580 has always taken a pride in being the best of the group. But right now, it felt that it was the most disgraceful system in its entire organization.

1580:- you get to continue to live, and even experience different worlds. If you  manage to finish your tasks properly and collect enough points, you can even achieve immortality. What more do you need?

Est:- indeed. For a person on the verge of death, the mere fact that they can still live is a boon in itself. Not to mention that there is still, the so called immortality that you have mentioned. Truly more than enough to lure anyone out there. But what makes you think I want to continue living.

1580 felt it's cpu would shut down with rage it was feeling at this moment.

1580:- what do you mean by, 'so called immortality'? Are you insinuating that it is a lie?

Est:- oh is it not? Then, how many of the task takers have actually ended up becoming immortal?

1580 finally understood what feeling of cold sweat was like. It truly felt, that if it continued to talk with this crafty woman. It would be obliterated for speaking restricted content.

1580:- haven't you always liked doing fun things. Your life would never have a dull moment once you accept this.

Est:- what happens when I fail a task?

1580:- your soul will be disintegrated.

Estella gave a cold laugh at this.

1580:- so you don't accept the offer?

Est:- when have I said that?

1580:- then what are you trying to get at?

Est:- I don't like your attitude.

1580:- excuse me?!!!

Est:- you behave like you are doing a favour to me. When this is actually a mutually beneficial arrangement. Although, at the moment I'm not sure what your higher ups gain from all of this.

Being the best system, 1580 didn't understand why its higher ups had assigned it to a newbie. It was extremely unsatisfied with the decision. But after this encounter, it understood why.

This woman is an extremely calm, and deranged individual. Who doesn't behave according to the norms.

1580:- I'm asking you for the last time. Are you willing to bind with me? 

Est:- yes.

Maybe, just maybe it will be lucky enough. To witness the journey of the first human, to become an immortal.

Est:- two more things. One Change your voice to a more humanised one. Your current one is quite irritating. Two the voice should sound like a female. Giving pleasant feelings the moment you listen to it. Which means I'm going to consider you as a female.

1580:- why female?

Est:- because I like cute females. Problem?

1580 felt a very deep-seated desire to beat her up. One thing was for sure, it would be suffering a lot because of this female in front of her.



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