Chapter 20

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Violet's pov

I told the boys that I was going to sleep because I was tired which doesn't make sense but oh well let's just hope they don't think anything is wrong.

Walking up the stairs of the third floor I make sure to be extra quiet and make no sound. Getting to the top of the stairs all I see is two corridors, the left side seemingly longer than the right with more doors and a long hallway.

Deciding that I should start with the long hallway I go left walking all the way down to the last door. opening it there seems to only be an office, I look around the room before walking in further making sure that there isn't anyone here.

Making my way to the desk I still make sure to be quiet, making no noise. Sitting in the chair I open the laptop that was sitting on the desk. This office looks like it belongs to a boss, so I'm assuming it's Alessandro's office.

After opening the laptop and the screen comes up, I see that he left it open. Before I do anything I quickly think of all of the things that could happen, all the things I could find and also where to look after I shoved the first two thoughts down.

Deciding that I should start with documents I quickly scan through the names to see if anything was weird, there were three that caught my eye.

'Renovations of the base'

'Shipping schedule'


All of them are business related but these three just don't look right, I mean who needs a document for associates.

Deciding I should look through associates first I open it and look through it. All it is just names, addresses and numbers sometimes they also have countries with the name but not for all of them.

I take I quick photo of all of them and then exit it opening the shipping schedule document. Reading through this makes my head kind of hurt, it has schedules for guns, knives, basically, anything that could either kill or dismantle a person, there was even a small shipment for bombs.

It was the smallest shipment, there were only like 20 small bombs but with everything else there were hundreds. This makes my head hurt I decide to do the same thing and take photos of all of it.

Opening up the very last one I see a blueprint of a building, it was called base 33, which makes my mind blow I mean they have 33 bases and probably more. Who needs 33 bases and what the hell are they using them for.

Not wanting to look at it anymore I close it this time without taking any pictures. I then open his emails, there wasn't a lot so at least he cleans his emails.

Going through them there isn't anything interesting but I did learn that he owns hotels, casinos, many businesses and even a service station. Honestly, I think the last one's kind of cool I mean it's different from the other ones, it doesn't earn very much money whether the others are earning a lot of money, which explains how we have a private jet and this house. Oh and some of the people call him capo, which is funny because that normally only happens when they're in the mafia.

Deciding that there was nothing on the computer I close everything I opened and put it exactly as I had it. This time now I'm looking for papers so I open his top drawer, the first thing on top is a gun, which is weird how many guns does this family need.

Taking it out of the draw I take out the bullets, I may not know how to fire them but I've seen people taking out the cartridge or whatever it's called.

Looking back in the draw there was nothing but a couple of paper clips and a stapler. Putting the bullets back into the gun and then putting it back into the draw carefully I shut it, then open the next draw.

Looking through it only has one folder caught my eye, it was my family history of more likely who runs what in the businesses.

It says that grandpa was the Italian capo until he gave the title to his oldest son Gianni when Gianni was 24 and grandpa was 49. With Ricardo as second in command.

It also says that there was a war when Gianni was 34 against the Americans, they ended up winning and taking over the Americans. They first tried with Giovanni as capo because Federico didn't want to be capo but in the end, they all decided that my father, Nikolas should be capo. So he took it over on his 31 birthday and at this time he already had Alessandro, Elijah, Lorenzo and Ares.

And then Alessandro took over as capo when dad was shot and killed by the Swedish and Elijah took over as second in command.

My mind has officially exploded, I have another brother, Swedish people killed my father and this makes it look like my family runs not one but two mafias. After thinking about that information more I keep reading.

Turns out the reason I don't know I had another brother was because he was taken when he was 17 by the Swedish who tortured him and killed him.

Oh, and let's not forget that my whole family has either trained or is training in fighting and pretty much anything else that I don't know maybe the military could do but you know we do illegal stuff.

So that pretty much means that I get to train too, which come to think about it isn't that bad of an idea I mean Lorenzo had pretty much already started without me knowing.

But you know the folder also says that mother dearest was a perfect mother until she went all crazy and stole me before running away when I was 2 years old so you know that's nice and fun.

Deciding that I've had enough with the snooping I put everything back where I found it and start heading down the stairs to actually go to my bedroom, but I stop when I hear the front door close and people walking up the stairs.

How long was I up there? I think to myself as I try and think of what I should do. Deciding that I should pretend that I'm heading down to get some water I quickly head to the hallway with my bedroom and start heading for the stairs.

As I get there Lorenzo and Francesco just reach the top of the stairs, I just smile at them and then start heading down the stairs.

"violet, what were you doing while we were gone?" Francesco asks, making me stop my steps, knowing that I told the boys that I am going to sleep I stick to my story

"I was trying to get to sleep but that didn't work so I decided to read. Where did you guys go anyway?" I ask trying to not be suspicious but also getting the topic off me.

"um, we went out to our office there was an important issue that had to be dealt with" Francesco says after a moment of hesitation. If these guys really do run two mafias you would think they would be better at lying, I mean come on I'm 15 and not in a mafia technically and I can lie way better than him.

"and this issue needed all of you?" I ask with an eyebrow raised, I mean come on at least make it convincing. I came up with a whole dang timeline that will explain why I wasn't downstairs but why I also didn't look like I just woke up.

"yeah it was a pretty big thing, why don't you go downstairs and talk to the rest of the family while we take showers" Elijah says, clearly knowing I won't let it go.

I just nod my head and continue downstairs, the chatter getting louder and louder as I make my way to the lounge room.

. ☾ . 

surprise!! haha I'm going, to be honest, completely forgot about writing this 

my darling violetOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant