Chapter 46

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Violet's pov

Tuesday was calm and fine. Niall, Louis and Zayn were all at the house and we spent time together with some of my brothers coming and going, they always made sure at least one of them was with me though. We pretty much were just playing games and watching movies for the whole day. I think that Alessandro wanted me to know them somewhat before they are actually at school in case something happens and I don't feel comfortable going to them and then something bad happens.

Today being Wednesday everyone actually has to go to school which is a little weird because we had today off yesterday and I'm not used to being at school one day and then taking a day off just to hang out with people to then go to school the next day. The only time I actually had days off school was when I physically couldn't move, I did end up getting beaten every day I wasn't going to school but they didn't do bad ones, they were actually one of the better ones just so I would heal but they could also let go of their anger.

Getting into the shower I quickly wash my hair and body and shave before getting out not even daring to look at the mirror, my body is kind of healed the bruises that weren't bad are all gone but the bad ones and the cuts are all still there, yes they are looking better and it's much easier to actually clean them and make sure they don't get infected or hurt because I have everything I need now but I was hoping with everything I now have that they would miraculously heal faster and stop hurting. I know it was stupid to think that but with the things that my family can do I was hoping that it would help heal me.

Snapping out of my thoughts I continue to get dressed feeling like putting some effort in I grab some jeans a white shirt that sits just above some bruises and cuts and a black leather jacket. 

(picture the shirt not having such a big v)

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(picture the shirt not having such a big v)

hurrying up knowing I'm behind I quickly put the finishing touches, adding some concealer and foundation on my chest just to make sure that if my shirt moves no one can see anything not normal. Putting on the first pair of shoes I find that go with my outfit I grab my bag and run downstairs seeing all of my brothers plus Niall, Louis and Zayn, they stayed here last night and the night before I think or they just left super late and get here pretty early.

Knowing I don't have time to sit down and eat I grab a bar and hug all of the older brothers saying goodbye before we all get into cars. Niall, Louis and Zayn getting into a different car than us so people don't know that we know them. It would completely destroy why they are there in the first place. As we are speeding down the road I open my bar and start eating it.

My eating has gotten a lot better, I actually find myself getting hungry sometimes and I am now able to eat all three main meals without feeling like I'm going to throw up because I've eaten too much food. I do catch the guys looking at me when I finish my food now and sometimes I catch them with prideful looks when they look at me but I don't think they know anything, I think they are either noticing that I actually 'like to eat now' or that they are just proud of me for being back.

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