Chapter 32

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Violet's pov

It's finally the weekend. I have been going to school for only one week and I'm dead, I have no idea how I'm supposed to make it for the rest of the year.

On Tuesday after the three went to sleep I checked on them to make sure they were actually asleep and they were so going back down to Elijah's office and working until 8:20 am then finally woke up Alessandro, Elijah and Lorenzo. They all looked better but still needed more sleep.

Then the younger two plus I went to school for me to get annoyed by Matias who was still in almost all except one on Tuesday. Oh how I love geography for not having Matias in that class, instead I have the guy Matias told me not to talk to- alexander. He seems like the cool bad boy or just a plain bad boy because he clearly doesn't care about being on time for any of the classes by the sounds of it.

Anyway, after walking into the classroom 45 minutes late he scans the room and when his eyes land on me he has to suppress a smile, me being me just raises an eyebrow letting him know that I can see what he's doing. Him totally ignoring me he walks straight over to the free seat next to me and decides that it would be a perfect place to sit.

After the class got back to work he subtly leans over and whispers in my ear

"you're all alone, now I can have you all to myself"

Which honestly sounds really creepy but I just looked at him and said in true me fashion

"even if I was alone who says you could handle me"

"I'm sure I could handle you real well" he says kind of smugly, I just decide to give him a point-blank look before muttering under my breath

"you keep thinking that" and then pay attention to the teacher.

And for the rest of the week anytime that I had history, Alexander would always sit next to me and try and talk to me. It's always about random things that don't mean anything, I just ignored him and tried to focus on the teacher.

And then in geography, it was nice and awkward, Matias didn't want me to talk to Alexander and Alexander was always trying to talk to me. So when I did even say one thing to Alexander, Matias would always find some way to shut me up, most of the time it was putting his hand on my thigh and squeezing it, or he would move closer to me so we were pretty close or he would just simply put his finger under my chin and turn my head to him so he could just give me a look like 'I told you not to talk to him' and then sometimes he added a look that says 'your family wont be happy about it'.

The only two subjects that I actually liked were Italian, art and music. I have at least one of each almost every day and it's always something that I'm good at, for the first lessons of each of them the teacher had us eight write draw or play something to see where we were at with the subject. Let's just say I'm one of the top students in all of them if not the top in music and Italian.

Honestly, I'm loving the three classes with art I can pretty much do whatever I want, I try and make them less depressing unlike the ones that I do at home but they always have that hidden painful or sad thing that I do without thinking, it's like I'm only capable of doing sad drawings.

With music seeing as I could play the piano pretty well so she said I could pretty much play whatever I wanted on the piano or I could learn another interment, deciding that I don't just want to be stuck playing the piano I decided to pick another instrument. I asked the teacher if I could have some time to think about what instrument I wanted to play and she let me have the week to decide so I have to give her an answer on Tuesday. I'm still trying to decide between the guitar or the violin, I think I'm leaning more towards the violin but I'm still not entirely sure.

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