Chapter 43

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Violet's pov

it was now Monday, the guys have stayed at our house for the whole weekend and Sarah even stayed on Fridays night and Saturday morning, so it was very fun but I'm happy that they are finally going back to their own homes, don't get me wrong I love them and I'm glad that they actually like me but oh my god are they full of energy, they were never stopping and I was just trying to keep my eyes open but hey I'm glad that they could come and I'm glad that now they will be going home and it will be quite enough for me to actually be calm and try and sleep for the recommended amount.

Walking through the school doors everyone was glancing at me and like usual weren't paying any attention to them, being Monday I have maths first up with Bruno and Matias, it's not so bad because I have people I actually like in it but it's maths so you know no matter how much I like these people it still sucks. I am however dreading going to my second class, alexander still is at the same table as me and Matias but with Matias sitting in between it's not so bad.

I just don't like seeing alexander around, I mean we used to be friends and I actually was starting to like him, a little more than a friend which I know I shouldn't have because well his family is my family's sworn enemy, we should hate each other not me liking him.

I still haven't talked to Alexander since I found out who he was, he texted me one time and honestly I was so tempted to reply to him but I couldn't I just couldn't betray my family after so long I finally have a safe place to live and I'm happy where I am now if they find out that I have been talking to their sworn enemy they everything will go to hell.

The text reads-

"hey violet, I know that you haven't been talking or even looking at me and I'm pretty sure that it's because you found out exactly who I was. Look I don't blame you I know that my family would kill me if they found out what I have been doing with you but for me, it was worth it. You were actually the only reason I was going to class, you made it fun and you weren't scared of me or angry with me. I know this is a long text but I miss you and I'm sorry if I have caused you pain, as I said I really missed you and I really want to go back to what they used to be with us talking in several languages just to make Matias mad. Я буду скучать по тебе, моя дорогая фиалка."

(Я буду скучать по тебе, моя дорогая фиалка.- I'll miss you, my darling violet.)

Alexander sent that on Saturday, I didn't actually see it until I was just about to go to bed, I didn't reply obviously but I was going to tell him that I missed him too and I wish things could go back to the way that it was before too but that I could because it would be betraying my brothers, but I didn't. instead, I turned off my phone and went to bed.

Out of my sight, I see a head of blonde heading right toward us, it wasn't until everyone moved out of the way and she was closer to us that I saw the girl was Sarah coming over to us with I smile on her face.

"violet, could you by any chance swap a subject" she gave me a look that was practically begging me to

"mm what class would that be exactly" I ask with a weary look

"it would be geography, I need a partner for the upcoming assignment and we can pick our partners but everyone there sucks and I don't have a friend in the class" she says with a small smile and a puppy dog look

"umm sure I guess but you have to promise me that you will actually help with the assignment and not just leave me with it" I point a finger at her making sure that she will actually understand how serious I am about this

"yeah, of course, I wouldn't just stick the whole assignment on you"

With me changing classes that means that I only have one class with Alexander which would be a big help in avoiding him. Knowing that we both had a couple of minutes before class we grab both of our books before heading to the office.

It took a little convincing and begging but after a little bit, I was successfully in Sarah's class, with just enough time to both run to our classes on time with the little exception of me being a panting mess just outside the classroom door. The person at the front desk dealing with me changing classes said that I will be able to actually attend the class tomorrow or whenever I would normally have the class next.

Finally able to breathe properly, I open the door and walk in seeing the teacher at her desk everyone from the class is there, all of them looking at me when I opened the door. Luckily the bell hasn't gone yet so the teacher couldn't actually do anything. With a small smile to the teacher, I walk to the back of the class sitting next to Bruno and Matias. Both look at me with curious looks.

"where were you?" Bruno asks giving me his full attention

"I was at the office, I'm changing into Sarah's geography class" I say looking at Bruno and then glancing at Matias only now thinking that I will also be leaving Matias, to sit alone with, Alexander

"well what about me¸ we only have maths together now" he says with a small frown on his face

"I know but that just means that we have to hang out after school more" I explain with a hopeful glint in my eye

"mhm well at least that will give us more time together, and we could actually talk without getting into trouble" his shoulders are inflated again and he has a small smile on his face now

"Now I just gotta tell Alessandro before the school calls him. What should I tell him" I ask turning and looking at both of them with hopeful eyes

"why don't you just tell him that alexander is being moved to sit next to you and your friend was begging you to move into her class, he shouldn't be mad at you" Bruno looks at me while speaking to me seemingly understanding why I'm nervous

"and you should tell him that your friend is Sarah, I've seen how he gets protective of you" Matias adds making eye contact with him

"yeah but he only has a problem with guys mostly, I don't think he will be that worried about girls" I shrug now looking at the front of the whiteboard

We all just leave it with that and turn to the teacher who had walked in and started talking somewhere when we were talking. It was kind of funny how someone could be so into a conversation that they don't pay attention to the things around them.

Knowing that I need to pay attention because I really suck at maths, I grab my book and pen and start to write down the important things the teacher was saying and show us on the board.

I don't know how I haven't been put into the maths class for all the people that fail normal maths. I'm pretty sure it's just because of my last name and you know Alessandro being my legal guardian, I mean I'm not really complaining because I get to have a class with Bruno and Matias.

But then I also do wish that I could go into the lower class because at least I would understand things more, I mean I don't want things easy because that doesn't help anyone. I don't know at times I think that I want to be like everyone else because at least then I will truly know where I am supposed to be and how people actually think about me. I like where I am but hey there are always going to be things that we want to change.

. ☾ . 

I'm sorry the ending really sucks. the words do not flow at all and it's really bad I will try better for the next chapter and hopefully, I can get it done by Monday 

sidenote- it takes me all day to actually write an okay chapter so again I'm sorry if the next one sucks as well. 

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