Chapter 48

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Violet's pov

Walking into the empty classroom I sigh heavily. I have been thinking about this all day so I finally told myself to just not think and just let my body either take me to the empty classroom to meet Alex or just go to class and of course, my body decides on meeting Alex.

I still don't know if it's a good idea or not but I don't want to think about it anymore, my brain hurts from thinking about it all the time, so instead of thinking I grab my headphone and decide to listen to music.

I got here a little bit early just because I wanted there to be time for me to back out if I really wanted to and I knew that if I even got a glimpse of Alex I wouldn't want to leave.

The time seems to fly by because soon enough the bell is ringing for everyone to go back into class, opening my eyes I pause my music and shove my headphone back into my bag. Looking around the classroom I jump a little when I realise that I'm not alone.

Sitting on one of the desks is Alex, looking straight at me and smirking almost like he doesn't believe that I'm actually here. Getting up I roll my eyes in his direction and then sit on the desk opposite him.

"you actually came" Alex almost whispers still with that smirk though it looks more like a smile now

"yeah yeah, I came big deal I'm still not 100% sure about this" I explain straight up, if this is going to work I think I should be somewhat honest

"yeah but you still came" he replies looking me straight in the eyes

"so what are we going to do" I ask getting the topic off of me

"well since I wasn't sure if you were going to actually come or not and I also didn't want you to be uncomfortable I thought we could just stay here" he shrugs, you could definitely tell he has thought about this at least a little bit

"Okay so how have you been" I ask not knowing where to start, before it used to come so easily but it's changed we haven't even properly talked in almost a month

"It's been annoying, especially when I see you how family practically push you out of school and I can't do anything" Alex grumbles just a little bit almost like he is a five-year-old having a small tantrum

"yeah well that only happened because of this boy that just couldn't stop looking at me and then he had to go and fight the one guy that was actually talking to me because he got jealous. I mean could you believe it" making sure that he knows I'm teasing him I smile and try not to laugh when Alex goes a little tint of pink

"he sounds like a dick, we should go track him down and give him a piece of your mind" Alex jokes back

"see he's not the brightest but he isn't that bad of a person, I think that we should let him off just this once" I say with a smile

It went like that for a little while until we got more comfortable again with each other.

"what was your life like when you were growing up?" Alex asks looking straight into my eyes

"it was okay, I was pretty much always by myself though. The family that was looking after me was always working so I had to take care of myself" I explain shrugging

"Did they have any kids?" Alex asks not dropping the topic like I was hoping

"no, they didn't it was just two of them and me" I shrug not looking at the ground in between my legs

"My childhood was kind of like that too but I had my mother and my best friend was always over, my father was really busy with both the mafia and the legal business so he didn't have a lot of time at home. It was fine but now I'm not that close to him" Alex mumbled the last part but still saying it loud enough that I can hear it

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